Thursday, October 27, 2011

Radical Politics and Antisemitism

Radical Politics and Antisemitism.

Two years ago there was a phenomena known as the "Tea Party" They met all over the country in many state capitals and DC, expressing their frustrations with out of control spending and taxation by the government and bankers being bailed all on our tax dollars. Democrats and some Republicans were voted out of office because of their stances on various issues that the tea party was not in favor of. Needless to say it was quite a thing to see.
This year we now have Occupy Wall street,who at least at it's face ,seems to be very much like the Tea Party, arguably with a much younger crowd, and not as well organized, but certainly as vocal and though their actual political impact has yet to be determined.

There have been a few very major differences though in the conduct of the participants, both those involved, and in the media.

Before the Tea Party became another wing of the Republican party, they held peaceful rallies all over the country. They had their grievances and they made them known but they also thought highly of our country and believed that the government had gone way beyond it's constitutional mandate and wanted that to change. The media did two things. They either ignored them or they ridiculed them and said that they were a bunch of racists. Though there was never any proof of ,accusations flew, rewards were offered to prove such a thing and then nothing, no proof just accusation.

Now we have Occupy Wall Street. Let me state right here that I am no fan of the bankers and other thugs who ripped off everyone, or the government people who allowed it to happen. This is simply my observations.

Occupy Wall Street is a group of people that seem to be very un organized. No one really seems to know who is in charge and there seems to be a massive amount of varying views of what these protestors are trying to accomplish. The media ,in this case, is giving them plenty of air time and many a politician and famous person has come out in favor of the protestors. There has been violence and chaos as well as very clear antisemitism. No, that's not all there is to it but this is the stuff that headlines are made of.

This is where the media has failed all of us. They went out of their way to try and prove hatred and racism in the Tea Party, which they were never able to prove, and yet when there are blatant incidences of it in the "Occupy" movement it is ignored by the MSM. Only twice has the national media done it's job yet even then it was so quick as to be missed by most of us,and the only reason that I can come up with is because it was against Jews. Had it been against African Americans, such as what was alleged to have happened with the tea party, it might have made the national spotlight but no it was against the Jews so it was given a pass. Well for me I won't give it a pass so here are two examples.

The first one that I saw was an interview with an African American woman who said that she was representing herself as a teacher and a school union. She put all the blame for the current economic mess on Jewish bankers and financiers. She said that we would be better off if all the Jews left the country. Here is the link. Once you are done that one you can find more linked to it.

That is just one example. Another was a caller to the Glen Beck show. Now whether or not you care for Mr. Beck or his politics, this should concern you that in this day and age, someone would call his show and be so anti Semitic that he suggests " neutralizing" the Jews in this country and shipping them to " Madagascar."

I am all about speaking out against injustice. I love living in a country where people can march in protest against perceived wrongs, but I can not find any justice or rightness in condemning an entire group of people based on alleged wrongs of a few who share the same name or heritage. If we have reached that point where this is going to be acceptable, anti Antisemitism that is, then you may start by throwing me out of the country I will leave with a smile on my face. No, I am not Jewish, though I practice Judaism as much as I am able to understand it, but I will stand with the Jewish people and Israel without reservation and if that means leaving these shores to defend Israel I will gladly do so. Bigotry in any form, by any one, regardless of their race or perceived gender, is not acceptable and does not speak well for your cause.

May calmer and cooler heads prevail in the days to come.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Apparently the so called terrorists have won another battle here in the good old USA. I knew that they had conquered all of our Federal buildings and airports as well as many other public venues, such as the ever dangerous library and sports stadiums, but until today I hadn't contemplated the depths of just how large that victory actually is.
We were told that one of the reasons that the so called terrorists hated us was our freedom and liberties. We could come and go as we pleased, buy and sell as we wished and essentially do what we wanted unless it harmed someone else.This , apparently pissed them off, so they "attacked" us. Since then it has been nothing but one so called security measure after another, and just like most gun laws, they have been implemented on the wrong people. If and I say "IF" we were really attacked by people of middle eastern descent then shouldn't they be the focus of all this BS that goes by the name of home land security? Show me the last time that grandma in a wheel chair tried to blow up a plane? Or a 6 year old or, for that matter, an American citizen who is white or black,Asian or Hispanic or Jewish. Worse yet is they send out memos suggesting that those of us who oppose these draconian measures, or are in any way opposed to government mandated programs that violate the constitution and are war vets, that somehow we are the bad guys?!The only ones that they can ever find, such as Timothy McVeigh, are so far off the deep end that anyone with a half a brain can see the words " set up" written all over it. No, sadly, this isn't about terrorists, this is about your government being afraid of you and wanting to monitor everything that you do.
A year ago I had written ,from a biblical perspective, why I have been so opposed to all the methods of enhanced security that they have at our airports. The idea of someone giving me a choice between irradiated testicles, and seeing me and or my family virtually naked, or someone feeling them really has no appeal to me so I simply refuse to fly. I am a poor man so that isn't to hard to do. Then they started talking about bus stations and train stations and started implementing the VIPR teams there, to randomly check on passengers, all the time arguing that if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear or you don't have a constitutional right to privacy while traveling.
So today my beef is with the clear victory that the" terrorists" won in the state of Tennessee. If it's not bad enough that they have invaded our privacy in the libraries and have tapped our phones and computers, now they are going to go after the one thing that most of us can't avoid and that is driving. Yes! Now the state of Tennessee is going to allow random VIPR units to interrupt your travel plans, if you happen to go by one of their randomly placed units. The fact that they are located on every major highway through the state should mean that you have little to no way to avoid them. So if Tennessee does it how long before the rest of the state run sheeple allow it to happen in their state?
So as I said earlier the "terrorists" have won another major victory today. We have officially become a police style nation and sadly very few of you will give a rats backside about it. The forefathers of this nation had balls the size of boulders when they took on the biggest and most powerful nation in the world. When they wrote the Constitution they knew first hand what a tyrannical government was like and so they wrote into the constitution the ways to avoid that ever happening here. But alas we are all too stupid to see just whats happening and we deserve exactly what we are receiving. So while you rejoice over Qaddafi being killed, or you rejoice over the prospect of 4 more years of Obama, just remember that there is a VIPR team courtesy of TSA and Home Land Security just waiting to touch your Testicles and Vagina out there on the highway, and you will either submit or be arrested and you can wipe the tears of your abject humiliation on a copy of the Constitution which apparently isn't worth much more then toilet tissue anymore. Welcome to the new "Land of the free".

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Lessons from Steve Jobs

Today the world mourns for a man that made a huge impact on all of our lives, Steve Jobs. Whether or not you ever owned any of his products, there was no way that you could avoid the impact on our day to day lives. iPhone, i pads all the way back to the first "Macs" his innovation and futuristic thinking effected us all. He will be missed.

My wife found a quote of his that I wanted to share with you: “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me … Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me. I was worth over $1,000,000 when I was 23, and over $10,000,000 when I was 24, and over $100,000,000 when I was 25, and it wasn’t that important because I never did it for the money.” Steve Jobs
There are many lessons that we can learn from that statement. The first being that money isn't everything.This was a man who was looking at his own imminent death and he knew the truth to the matter. Money was not going to save him.

Another reason though was because he simply enjoyed his work. Imagine if all of us had that kind of attitude, that the money wasn't important because we enjoy what it is that we are doing, that attitude alone could change the world.

There is a lesson as well that the government could learn if they would simply pay attention. Get rid of all the cumbersome rules and regulations so small business can get to the business of hiring people and stimulating the economy.

In his bio it says that Steve Jobs started in his garage back in 1974. Just imagine the world in that day having all the rules and regs that we have now and then ask yourself if Apple would have every got off the ground. I doubt it. I have friends who are small business men who don't see a whole lot of hiring going on because of all the regulations coming out of DC. I am not talking major corporations here, I am talking about people that I know that are trying to make it and expand but can't because of all the regs.

So essentially there are two lessons to learn here. One is to love what you do so that the money is a secondary issue at best and second is to let loose the chains that are currently stopping small businesses from expanding because you never know where you will find another " Steve Jobs."

Rest in Peace. Steve Jobs, 1955-2011