Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Obama VS Romney

Welcome to campaign 2012 where the real battle now begin between Mitt Romney and President Obama with all the fan fare and excitement of a dental flossing competition. I mean lets face it they both have great smiles and can speak quite well, but in the end it will come down to a simple question, who's lie do I believe the most? The guy who blames everything on everyone but himself, or the guy who blames everything on the guy currently in, who's policies, as governor, look a lot like some of his opponents current policies? Lest anyone think that I favor either one, I will state for the record that I think they are one and the same. Different hairdo's, perhaps different golf clothes, but still the same. I don't believe for a moment that there is really any difference between the two candidates or their respective parties other then their wording. But here is how I see the campaign going, though it may get tweaked a bit, if some major crisis comes along, and while it may not be quite as boring as a dental flossing competition, it will be filled with the stench of vultures on a rather bloated carcass. Mr. Obama, will likely go out of his way to point out that Romney is not really in touch with the average American. He will likely point out that he has more money then some third world nations. He might point out that Romney likes sports, well at least the owners of the teams, and could likely own a team if he wished. He will likely show Mitts health care plan in MA is basically the same as his own..... then again maybe not, seeings how that's currently sitting in front of the Supreme Court on constitutional grounds. If Mr. Obama is smart, he will point out that not many conservatives actually like Mr. Romney, because he really isn't a conservative, (maybe he shouldn't point that part out and just sit back and watch the vultures eat their own) and he will likely point out that Evangelicals don't care for him much either because he's a Mormon. In short many republicans don't really like him, they are just holding their collective noses and voting for him. He isn't going to be able to defend his own record, because he admits that things haven't gone to well and he is to busy still blaming Bush. Mr. Romney has much ammunition that he can use if he has the intestinal fortitude to use it (sorry about the ammo reference to the easily offended) but I suspect that just like other republicans, who have had their butts handed to them for being to nice, he will do the same. He could go after Obama for all the broken promises as well as the state of the economy. He could point out all the gross violations of the US Constitution as well as the actual costs of Obama Care (he may actually want to stay away from that one as well, MA is kind of broke after all thanks to Romney care) but the problem is, not just with him, but most republicans, he will use soft kid gloves, I am sure they will be calf hide, and he will get beat. He can't run on an actual record either. But the real reason that Romney will get beat, will have less to do with his campaign strategy, or lack there of, and will have more to do with the fact that the media will side with Obama. The media will never ask Obama anything that might put him in any serious jeopardy of losing and will ridicule and silence those that try. So how do you then hold a sitting president responsible for his own mistakes and problems If you won't ask the questions? At what point does he or she finally have to say, yup it's my fault, I screwed up if no one is holding his feet to the fire? At what point does he stop blaming his predecessors and rivals, when the facts are clear that it's his policies and positions that are at fault? The answer to all the above is never. It's not going to happen. As long as people are willing to believe a half truth or a lie nothing will happen or change. The democrats have learned that lesson well. Look at the example of Bill Clinton, he lied about more things in his time in office, and while running for office, yet it was only when he was finally backed into a corner ,with the cold hard facts, presented to him by the media, that he ever acknowledged the truth. In the end he embarrassed himself, his wife and family, his party and the nation. The democrats and the media have learned. If you want your man to stay in office you don't call him to task. There are still un answered questions about Mr. Obama, that just beg for some honest reporting, but it won't happen, at least not by the main stream media. But even if they did t it likely wouldn't matter. First of all the voters themselves would have to actually be paying attention to the issues for or against, which historically has been proven that they don't, and it would require that fair and equal treatment be given to both candidates which we also know won't happen. So I believe that in the end Romney will get beaten by what I consider to be an already rigged election. It's going to come down to who can get away with the greatest amount of voter fraud. If you think I am kidding, then you have been hiding under a rock on a far flung planet. Both parties have been dealing with voter fraud issues in the last few years and these are just the people who have been caught. Just today I watched a news clip out of Florida, that showed that there are hundreds of non US citizens registered to vote in the state, but of course no one knows how any of that could have possibly happened must have been a massive accident. Seems to me that if I have to show an ID for a library card that I should have one to be able to vote. I am not about nationalizing an ID card, but it does seem to me that you should have to prove that you are eligible to vote before you are allowed to. I can't check out a Harry Potter book with out ID but I can vote with out it?? So whats to stop people from voting in 2 or 3 different places if you don't have to prove who you are? Recently I have watched several documentaries where they have shown how easy it is to hack the computerized voting. The results on paper where completely different from the results that were registered in the computer, so knowing that, once you have cast your vote you have to believe that your vote will actually be registered correctly by a machine programmed by flawed humans who might just have a bias towards one of the candidates. Then it goes to a central location where it will be registered by an agency that happens to be a big donor of one of the two candidates, and we then we will finally get our official tally, all without that messy paper trail stuff that can actually be counted to prove it. If you thought "chads" in 2000 was bad this is by far worse. But truthfully we will know the results long before they become official. The media will start predicting the winner about 10 minutes after the voting starts, thus making it almost pointless for many people to go to the polls because the winner has already be determined. It must be really frustrating to someone on the west coast to see the results before they have even had a chance to vote. When the election is finally and mercifully over DC will still be full of thieves and liars that would sell their own mothers to get what they want. They will still be open to the highest bidder in the special interests war and you and I, the common smucks, are going to be the losers in this. If you don't think so then I invite you to take a walk down history lane for about the last 25 years or so,under both parties, and then come back and tell me how much better off we are. If you are serious you won't be able to, because you will see just how bloated and out of touch our government has become, how far our Constitution has been shredded and then just how close to Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union we have become. I hope it will wake you up. Obviously you can ignore the truth, especially coming from a nut job like me, but in the end it won't matter. Too many people like being sheep. To many people like the idea of being ruled by a world type government controlled by the major corporations. As long as we are entertained and fed who cares what rights and privileges are taken. Who cares how much money they spend, thus putting our grandchildren and their grandchildren into perpetual bondage to the state. My "tin foil hat" list could go on, but I suspect that if you have read this far then you probably already know that what I am writing is true. In the end we will get just what we deserve, because everyone will just hold their noses, drink the koolaid, and go for which ever candidate lies to them with the best smile, let the flossing begin!