Lately there has been a lot of talk about how we have become
an entitlement society. The statistics would suggest that out of all the
working age adults, over half, somewhere around 51 or 52%, are receiving some
sort of government help or entitlement. Most of the time when I have heard any
discussion on the subject it has come from those on the right side of the aisle
suggesting that the source of all our ills and problems in this country come
from those who receive so called entitlements because most of them do not pay
any income taxes.
I am taking this somewhat personal because I am one of those
people who don’t pay any income taxes. I receive VA benefits which are non-taxable
and get my health care through the VA system. Does that make me a leech on
society? Yesterday I had a good day; I was able to do some painting, the day
before I could hardly move. Today I am dealing with muscle spasms, making this
writing difficult. This is my reality, some days are good, and many days are
not. But because I am not paying any income tax some famous people, who make
millions of dollars spouting their opinions, have the right to judge me or anyone
I have written emails to various news anchors, mostly leaning
to the right, about what they consider to be an entitlement and apparently,
while they can “bloviate” well, they can’t really give an answer. In all
fairness they probably receive many emails in the course of a day and to answer
them all would be impossible. Only one responded after I had explained my own position,
with a simple “God bless you.” That was someone from Glen Becks show. Otherwise
there hasn’t been nary a boo from them.
I don’t want anyone to take this the wrong way ,because it’s
true that there are many who have taken advantage of the system to get money
that they don’t really deserve, but who are these people to make judgment calls
on those of us who receive some sort of so called entitlements? In fact my
question to you and to them is what exactly determines what is an entitlement?
And is taking many of us off the solution to balancing the budget?
I am generally a conservative libertarian when it comes to
my own political views. I believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Live and let live is my philosophy, but I guess I can’t just sit around and be quiet
when it seems that the poor are the ones under attack by those who pay 40K for
a dinner with a politician.
Here is where I think that the real problem lies. The
federal government. It is the biggest entitlement society ever created by
modern man. They have the best of insurance coverage; you won’t see any of them
switching to Obama care, for them and their families, all paid for by your
taxes. The have more paid vacation days than anyone that I have ever heard of
in the private sector, again all paid by your taxes, and even after they leave
office they are paid and still receive medical coverage all on your dime. I’m
not even talking about the staffs and their families or all the various
government departments and all their benefits. If you were to cut back their pay
to a stipend and shut down all the useless departments as well as all the
redundant offices. If you were to stop all the federal funding for all the pork
barrel projects out there and if you were to end the wars and stop the funding
for them, then you would be able to balance the budget.
You are never going to be able to balance the budget on the
backs of the poor, and increasing the taxes on the middle class and even the
rich isn’t going to help any. The tax brackets they are talking about raising
will only pay for about 8 days’ worth of government that’s it. The problem isn’t
the rich; the problem isn’t the poor or the middle class. It’s not those of us
who receive benefits. It’s a federal government that refuses to acknowledge
that the problem is with them. They won’t stop the wars, they won’t stop the
pork barrel spending and they certainly aren’t going to give up their perks or
entitlements. So the solution is that they be forced to cut all their “entitlements”
and benefits then perhaps we can discuss the rest. That’s just my Simple Minded