Monday, October 15, 2012

So Called Debates

I thought I might take a moment to comment on the debates, I know I am behind every other political blogger out there in cyber space, but I wanted to take some time and really consider what we have learned from the two debates, before we move on to the third, and submit what I hope is a nonpartisan opinion.
The bottom line for me is that I don’t think any of us really learned anything new. Every point and counter point that I have heard from both sides really only re iterated the same talking points that they have been blathering on about for months. Setting aside Mr. Romney’s performance during the first debate and VP Biden goofiness in the 2nd, did you really learn anything new? Anything that might persuade you to think differently than you already did? I would suspect not.
Worse yet is that there really hasn’t been a debate. A debate usually consists of two or more people engaged in an exchange of ideas, the purpose of which is to persuade others to their way of thinking, this clearly has not been done. Instead we have had nothing but accusations and ridicule that have reminded me of little more than a school yard brawl, in particular during the VP debate, VP Biden interrupted over eighty times and the so called moderator, in a few cases, seemingly anyhow, joined in with Biden to basically shut down anything that Ryan was saying. That’s not a debate, that’s just saying what you wish and shouting down the other guy before he can present his view. I’m not trying to defend Ryan, he’s a big boy, but I am saying that for many people, who have never heard what Ryan stands for, never got the chance and so the American people lose out.
The second part of it though, going back to trying to persuade others to your point of view, is that I have yet to really hear what either side plans on doing in the next 4 years, this is really what I had hoped to hear in the debates. Here we have a messed up economy, a debt of over 16 trillion, 23 million out of work or have given up trying, more people on food stamps than ever, gas prices through the roof, possibly a major war brewing in the middle east, which would make oil prices go even higher, freedoms being stripped away bit by bit, on and on this list could go, but it doesn’t matter because neither one of the candidates really want to go into specifics as to what they will do about anything . So instead of getting down to the nitty gritty of what they plan on doing, we get little more than theatrics and accusations.
So, as such, all most people are getting before this election is little more than sound bites and lots of misinformation presented by both sides. I scroll through my Face Book feed and see those same sound bites repeated over and over again to the point of where I have quit reading them. I read today that those that actually check the facts for a living are suggesting that because we have become such a sound bite society and a people who expect to be lied to, that we don’t pay attention to the facts when they are presented to us, rather we just go with whatever party we have always gone with and facts be damned. This I would say is a large part of the problem. We hear nothing but accusations from the candidates because they already assume that we don’t care about the truth we just want a good show. They certainly pay attention to the polls and the stats and they know that they can say whatever they want and their base is going to go with the flow without ever checking the facts.
So I will watch the next debates, not with any hope of hearing anything substantive or truthful, and with the full knowledge that what follows will be a barrage of sound bites and misrepresentations. Sad but it seems to be the new American way.