Monday, December 22, 2014

Al Sharpton and Cuba

So where is the arrest warrant for Al Sharpton? Two police officers are dead in NYC because of his inciting hatred for the police, as demonstrated earlier by his rallies calling for dead police officers,and now the actual killing of them itself. Where is the arrest warrant? If I was still a preacher and I got up and preached against gay marriage and someone went out of the congregation and killed a gay couple because of it, I could be arrested as inciting a hate crime. What makes this any different?If I can be held accountable then why shouldn't he and others like him? So again I ask ; Where is the warrant for his arrest or any other of the mob inciters? Where is the media that should be calling him out on the carpet for this? So far I hear nothing.
So is there we are at America? Are we finally at the point where we are looking at a full blown race war because no one in either community has the courage to speak up and speak the truth? Micheal Brown was a thug who attacked a police officer and got shot and killed for it I have no sympathy for him or any of his supporters.
I do have sympathy for the family of Eric Garner. No one should die over loose smokes. Was it illegal for him to be selling them loose? Apparently it was. Was excessive force used, it seemed like it to me, but I wasn't there. A better option might have been to have him hand over the smokes and be on his way but we will never know.
In both cases race had nothing to do with it. The first one attacked the cop. If he'd been white or green the result would have still been the same. The second was the result of NY charging 15 bucks a pack and an aggressive policy of trying to stop a black market for “loosies” that they created but putting so much tax on them. Still if the man had been white and all the other conditions had been the same he also would be dead. None of this has anything to do with race. It has everything to do with a group of people wishing for nothing but chaos and anarchy and will use any excuse to see it happen. The media loves it because it sells. People like Sharpton love it because it keeps them in business. Mobs love it because it gives them an excuse to loot and burn.

Relationship with Cuba.

President Obama announced last week that we are going to normalize relations with Cuba after 50 plus years of an embargo on that country. He stated that he thought that it was foolish to continue because of events that took place before many of us were even born.

I have two issues with this.

First and foremost ,many Cubans lost their lives or were imprisoned by Castro. Thousands fled to the United States after loosing everything to the communist dictator. This I know on a personal level because my fathers family were among those that lost everything. The way I understand it was that the owned the biggest sugar cane plantations and were quite wealthy and in a moment it was all gone forever.
I was stationed in Cuba ,at Guantanamo, long before it became the familiar name that it is today and we would witness the Cuban army executing anyone who tried to resist them, especially if they tried to get across no mans land to us, and laughed about it as they were doing it.
Yes I'd love to have a nice Cuban cigar but in doing so you are rewarding thugs, which brings me to my second point.
Mr. President, you commented,essentially that we should let it go because it happened long before many of us were born. Well lets take the next logical steps as well. Lets forget about all those Nazi's who killed 13 million people, including 6 million Jews and embrace them back into society,after all it happened long before most of us were even born. Perhaps we should call for the return of the Soviet Union and embrace communist China while were at it because those mass killings and purging happened even before that!
That was probably the silliest reason I have ever heard for ending an embargo, but then you have spent most of your time in office either playing golf or hob nobbling with our enemies so I guess I really can't expect much.

Just my simple minded opinion.