Monday, January 11, 2016

Election 2 Cents Worth

I thought I might take a moment and give my two cents worth on the current run for president. In a word; Really? As in this is really the best we can do in this country? 350 million or so people and these are the only ones we can come up with? Set aside your personal political beliefs for just a moment and really look at both sides of the aisle and then tell me we can't do any better.
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz seem to be the ones to beat and I am simply not impressed.
Mr. Trump may be good at business and he may have more money than God but does that qualify him to be president?What are his actual plans and strategy? Can he articulate them with out insulting anyone? More importantly, and this to my republican friends, do you remember that some years ago he stated that if he was to seriously run, that he would run as a republican because he considered them to be stupid? Perhaps he has changed his mind...

Hillary Clinton has more baggage than Logan Airport. Since the days of Watergate, where she was fired for unethical behavior during the investigation, there has been an air of contempt of the rule of law. White Water, covering for her husband, Benghazi as well as the current investigation into her email's should make every democrat out there shutter. She has a real chance of being arrested for several violations of federal law over classified material handling ( There is a Marine fighting for his career over one classified document that he turned in once he realized that he had it where they have found over 1300 on her servers) though being a Clinton she will likely get away, but is this really the person you want running your party or being it's leader?

Ted Cruz, I can't say I know a lot about him, best I can tell He is fairly squeaky clean, unless you hate the things that he stands for of course, but I didn't care for his part in shutting down the government, it affected me personally because my pay comes from the VA and we were left with enough uncertainty that I literally went ,with hat in hand ,to my land lord to find out what I needed to do if I stopped getting paid. There has to be a better way to do things. Not sure he knows how.

Bernie Sanders; I actually like him, not because I agree with him on a lot of things but because he doesn't hide who he is and what he stands for. He doesn't engage in double talk and political speech he just says what he believes. But the reality is that our economy simply can not handle a full scale swing to socialism. Everyone, no matter your income would have to pay heavy taxes to even begin to fund some of the things he has proposed, free college, free health care etc. There are no free rides, somebody has to pay for it and I can promise you it won't be the elites in DC doing so.

So there you have it. I don't want to have my only choices being the ones listed. I am neither democrat or republican, I call myself a conservative libertarian because I believe in the old concept of I live my life you live yours and as long as you and I aren't hurting each other let the rest go.

Peace out.