I am declaring war on progressives. You
are NOT liberals ,you are communists, Nazi's, and anarchists. I am
not speaking of a shooting war but a war of words. You are nothing
more than the very things you have tried to say about Trump
supporters,or anyone even vaguely on the right.
A question first: Where did this dumb
idea, that if you disagree with someone's point of view, that you are
some how nothing but hateful? That you are some how phobic of
everything? Are you so brain dead that you can't disagree with some
one with out thinking they are simply filled with hate? My wife and I
have been married for 26 years and we still don't agree on
everything, but that doesn't mean that there is hate, we just
Moving on.
It has been suggested in the past that
some of my writing seemed mean spirited or angry even. Well you are
about to get it in spades but a small bit of explanation is needed
Why would I suggest that today's
liberals are not real liberals? It's simple really, the liberals that
I have known over the years were people who believed in free speech
and dissent,with out violence, who wanted less government intrusion
into our lives, while caring for the poor and wretched among us out
of their own pockets and hearts, not via the government. They were a
people of honest intellectuals who were willing to discuss differing
ideas and opinions, coming to terms with the idea that not everyone
shared the same opinion, and they had great taste in music. I used to
be one of those people for the most part.
Today the so called “liberal” is an
insult to real liberals, in fact liberal is not the right word for
them, the right word is “progressives.”
Progressives are in fact nothing more
than repackaged socialists/communist. Period. In fact you are more
Nazi's then all of us you tried to accuse of being just that.
You say bullshyte perhaps? When was the
last time you saw a conservative group burn down buildings or start
riots because they didn't like who was speaking? Try never.
This is nothing more than an attempt by
well disguised Nazi's and communists to take over this country.
Go and look at history if you don't
believe me. I'm sorry, I know they don't actually teach history any
more so you may have to work at this a bit, but it is still true.
The Nazi's liked to burn down buildings
and destroy anyone of who they considered to be a threat, groups of
them would gang up on individuals and neighborhoods and burn them
down because they didn't like the religion or politics of those
The communist revolution in Russia
started with the so called intellectual elites at the universities
and spread out from there.
Ironically enough,especially with those
who originally embraced communism, the so called “intellectuals”
who supported it, were some of the first to be executed as were
millions of other dissenters.
Today this has started in grade
schools, government sponsored socialism is your friend, and is now
becoming evident at the college level, people who don't know history
are being egged on by some intellectuals who haven't learned, or
don't really care, the hard truth about history that Communism kills.
Facism kills.
Most recently at Berkeley ( the modern
day founders of free speech and expression, ironically enough)
students have been rioting over free speech issues of a
gay/Jewish/libertarian, visa holding, Brit, Named Milo Y ( not going
to attempt the spelling of the last name at the moment) and why is
that? Because he holds a differing view than is allowed, apparently,
for a gay Jewish man to have. According to his critics, his speech is
hate speech! Really? Have you actually listened to anything that he
has said? I have, he is a bit flamboyant for my taste,but where is he
lying? What part is considered to be hate speech? More importantly
who cares if it is?
Please explain to me where in the first
amendment that all speech is allowed except for that which is
hateful? It's not there.
Some would say to me this is true but
there are consequences for that speech, really? So in your pathetic
little mind, it's OK to threaten the life of somebody because they
disagree with your point of view? Your telling me that a little
anarchy and destruction is OK as long as it's reserved for
If you believe this you are pathetic
and you are the problem.
But this is traditionally how
revolutions began during the last century, you get to the students
and dumb them down, then you convince them that free speech and
religion is nothing but evil incarnate, you get them all riled up so
they start rioting and you disarm the citizenry so they can't defend
themselves or if they get vocal in their disagreement you shut them
down in any way necessary, by all means necessary. Any of this sound
remotely familiar to you?
And, while I am on such a roll, I have
to commend the brave little snowflakes who can come out in mass to
commit acts of violence and destruction and yet have the nerve to run
away to their teddy bear infested “safe spaces” so they don't
have to be offended by mean words; you are nothing but cowards and
the people that egg you on are worse than cowards.
I thank God (quick run to your safe
space) that I live near several military bases. I see men and women
of every color and creed, every day standing at the gate ,and the
front lines of defense, who may be millennial by birth but they are
far from being snowflakes. It gives me small hope that not all is
I have tried my best to walk a fine
line between political points of view, always looking at both sides
and comparing it to what the Constitution says, well I can't any
more. It has become very clear to me that those on the left, the
powers that be anyhow, do not support, and will not defend, the
Constitution or the Bill of rights, so as such I won't ever again
even tolerate your views and I will treat you as hostile just as you
have treated me and my points of view.
Disregard me if you will, but make no
mistake I'm not alone in my thinking, I am just saying it louder than