Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Free Speech


I haven't had a whole lot to write about lately. Correction. There has been way too much madness for my small brain to try and absorb that made writing about any of it almost impossible.

Today I will make an exception for my favorite subject, free speech.

In the last few years I have learned more then I ever wanted to know about the priorities of the donkeys. Their utter hatred for all things that are good and decent, and their intense attacks on all things sacred ,and truly scientific, is almost breathtaking. I can't understand how anyone of any faith can truly support them and yet there are those that do even as all things they believe in are being utterly destroyed by those same donkeys.

Of course it is your right to do so, and to express yourselves, under our first amendment. I am all for it even when I completely disagree with you.

However, because I disagree with you, I am going to speak out when I disagree with whatever is the popular thing going, even if that offends you. That is kind of the point of “free speech.” Not that you agree with everything but that you support the right to have that opinion even if it's repellent to you.

Fine example, and one of the reasons I won't ever vote donkey, are those clips, courtesy of Libs of Tik Tok, that show , in their own words, that the blue haired, multi pierced, gender dysphoric, “teachers” are going to try and continue to spew out their disgusting , grooming, messages to 8 year old's.

While I certainly disagree with what they are trying to do and think that the lot of them should be fired, they still have the right to speak their sad minds. As a parent you can't fight against what you don't know about, better to know what your enemies are doing rather then guess, then you can address it properly.

Rather then censor them, let them speak. If you don't agree with them don't listen to them. Kind of like the idea that if there is something on the idiot box you don't want to watch then you flip the channel and move on to something else. If you think it's offensive speak out but you don't have the right to stop others from viewing.

Another case in point. I once wrote a religious blog. After years of study and research I found that I disagreed with the main religion in this country. I went so far as to explain why and left it at that. I didn't attack anyone's faith, I simply spoke of my own. I lost hundreds of readers and that's OK. With a couple of notable exceptions, most just bowed out in what I consider to be an adult manner. No fuss no insult, just gone.

But today, once again, I see the donkeys and their media monkeys having a total cow over the idea of Elon Musk buying twitter, all because he believes in free speech.

Most of the platforms out there have become censors to everything that the political establishment is against. The donkeys know that that the government is prohibited from censor ship but it hasn't stopped them from getting into bed with all the major platforms and MSM to use their power to censor.

Enter Elon Musk.

He is not beholding to anyone ( though we all know that the MSM monkeys are going to try and paint him as badly as possible) and he has said quite publicly that he wants to restore twitter to the open, non censored, platform that it once was. To the donkeys this is apparently too evil for them to comprehend.

I have watched clip after clip of mostly left leaning donkey types damn near wetting themselves over the idea of him changing twitter. They have suggested that him taking over is tantamount to the end of civilization as we know it, many times, on different networks, they were repeating the same lines over and over.

First, for those who are having said cow, he just bought the company and hasn't done anything with it, as of this writing, so please get your knickers un-bunched and go to your safe space until the scary feeling goes away.

Second, and this one is for everybody, just because he says he's going to do something with the platform doesn't mean he will. I can say I am going to buy a Ferrari and drive it at 140 mph but until I do it is just words.

Third, even if he does make changes, what makes that a bad thing? Freedom of information,an exchange of ideas is somehow bad?

Lastly, he isn't the second coming. He is one man trying to so something to bring back freedom of speech, it's up to the rest of us to fight back as well to assure that it happens.

It truly comes down to control. If the donkeys loose control of the narrative, via the platforms, and the MSM, then they quite possibly loose control in the battle of ideas. That is what they are afraid of. They aren't afraid of him, they are afraid of you comparing ideas and thinking for yourselves.

If you start thinking for yourselves, based on all the information out there, they will loose and they know it, this is what they are truly afraid of , loosing control and all the power that goes with it.`