Monday, May 9, 2022

Hysterical Left


Happy Mothers day...ooops I meant Happy birthing persons day!!! That's what we should be calling it right? I keep getting so confused must be my PMS acting up, or is it hot flashes at my age? I don't know, I am just another confused person who used to understand basic biology but now must bow to this new so called science insanity....

Speaking of insanity, last week someone leaked an draft opinion piece that seemed to suggest that Roe V Wade is going to be overturned. Everyone lost their collective minds on the left over an opinion. It hasn't been finalized. We don't know for sure if it is going to happen, but rather then react to actual facts,as usual, they got their knickers all up in a bunch over something that hasn't happened yet.

Worse has been the silly hysterics of suggesting if this happens, that it is actually overturned, then democracy ( the lefts favorite word to use when things aren't going their way) comes to an end. Funny, most of Europe still exists, and from what I understand they have much stricter rules on abortion then we do, yet they are still here.

Just to be fair, I am not a fan of abortion. I think instead of abortion we should focus on making it easier for people to adopt or do foster care. Lest you think I don't put my money where my mouth is, we tried to adopt, I was told that because I am a disabled vet that we wouldn't be allowed and we were turned down for foster care because someone got upset by my thought that children in my care shouldn't be engaged in sex I my house, I know , I know, I am just an old prude who has no sense of modern sensibilities...

Back to the hysterics. My favorite one is the silly idea that if this goes through that one of the next things to go would be interracial marriages, because we all know just how evil those of us on the right are, you know rape, pillage and looting is our mantra, with a touch of tyranny and racism for good measure. Whats truly surprising is that they would have any concerns over marriage at all. I thought that marriage was an old white guy institution?

Having said that, following their undeniable wisdom, Justice Clarence Thomas would vote to nullify his own marriage? I am just positive that that would go over real well with all the politicians on either side who are in mixed marriages, not to mention the rest of us who are a product of mixed marriages or are in one ourselves. Would we all be grandfathered in? I am sure there must be a PC word for grandfather but I am too much of a fascist and patriarchal to figure it out. Or would we all be forced into unwanted divorces? Would we only be allowed to marry and reproduce with those that are the same? I know for myself that might be a bit tough.

I recently took a DNA test. I am almost half “North European” but the rest is a bit of a surprise. My fathers side ( he was Cuban) was a mixed bag of Spain, Portugal and, wait for it, African,( no, not south Africa) with just a touch of Native American thrown in and,likely some Jewishness. So tell me, you who are wailing and gnashing at the teeth, how is abolishing mixed marriages going to work or even remotely logical?

Of course it's not logical. That seems to be the common factor with almost anything that the left has gotten hysterical over in the last few years. No actual,or factual, information needed. Just good old fear mongering and lots of emotion.

What I think the real reason for the hysterics has come from, is the idea that it would go back to states for the people to vote on. It has never been federally passed into law, though many states have passed their own versions of legalizing abortion, and that, I believe, is the scary part for them. They are afraid that the vast majority of people would find late term abortions, right up to the moment of birth, abhorrent,which they should, and vote to limit it's use. Thus limiting the lefts influence. That is what they are truly hysterical over.