Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Red Flags


Writing does not come easy to me. I have a great deal of passion when it comes to religion and politics, and I make feeble attempts at writing about them, but most of the time I have a hard time getting from my passionate mind to where it makes any coherent sense in written form. I read many pundits who seem to make it child's play, my own brother writes plays and books, yet I struggle to make a coherent sentence.

I want to speak on the proposed Red Flag Laws. I had several pages of written opinion on this subject but I decided that short and to the point would be better.

This, if it is passed, will be a serious violation of the constitution. Not just the 2nd, but also of the 4th.

The simple version of this law, if passed, would allow anyone to accuse you of being a danger to yourself, or others, without actual evidence, just say so from the reporting body, and law enforcement would be able to then come and seize your guns. For many veterans, law enforcement, first responders or anyone who has experienced great trauma this could be potentially disastrous. We could easily be some of the first people targeted. Not to mention the danger to the police officers that would be required to enforce these laws.

But again this would be a violation of the 4th amendment. The 4th amendment says:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The law in question would not require any of that, maybe that will change, but at the moment it would be in clear violation of the 4th.

How about this; Instead of going after people who have done nothing wrong, which is the usual actions of politicians, how about enforce the laws on the books that are already there?

I remember talking to a friend who was a state trooper, he said that the law in that state said that if a person committed a felony gun crime, that person, if convicted, was looking at a minimum of 5 years in federal prison on top of whatever sentence they received for the actual crime. Just imagine if that was nation wide.

How about this, most of the mass shootings have been done by persons who were flagged as juveniles for potential trouble, but once they became adults those records are sealed. How about leaving those open until they are at least 21? How about seeing to it that they get the kind of mental help that they need instead of looking the other way? How about sticking veterans or retired law enforcement in the schools to protect them? I know many vets who would volunteer for that. There are many things that could be done that wouldn't infringe on any of our rights but that is not really what this is about. It is, as always, about power and control.

Instead of the above mentioned ideas,the government, led by both donkeys and rhinos ( otherwise known as communists) are going to try, once again, to restrict your rights just a little bit more just so they can say they did “something”.They will then find another excuse to take away more and it will continue.

If you don't think that will happen, just look at the last couple of years. Damn near all your rights were taken ( or willingly given up depending on your point of view) away over a bug. Don't you think they will continue this if they can? DHS was only to be for 5 years, as was the TSA, we are at 20 years and counting.

This is about power and control and both parties are a part of it.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

We Have Told God To Go Away.

 We have a problem in this country. We have told God to go away and we are reaping the rewards for it.

We worship at many altars but not the altars that God has called us to. We seem too prefer sacrificing at the altars of abortion,environmentalism, and gender dysphoria, rather then at the altar of the God who created all of us.

We worship at the altar of death instead of life. Euthanasia of our elderly and disabled, aborting the unborn, even after they are born, if some states get their way.

We worship at the altar of state. Even when we know something is wrong,we accept things because the state says it's OK even when it goes against the laws of our creator.

Our movies, music, video games all glorify death and destruction and our MSM glorifies it and put it all on display for us to see.

Our alleged leadership at local, state and federal levels,embrace and encourage it.

We tell our children that they are just a random accident and that life has no other meaning then narcissistic pleasure, and that taking life is nothing.

We have taught our youth to disdain God and the idea that there is any right or wrong, that there is only subjective truth based on your own feelings.

Right is wrong, wrong is right, and things that have been the norm throughout known history is silliness in this new enlightened world. Then we shake our heads and wonder why in the last 40 years there is such an increase in violent crimes and immorality ,in all forms, running amok.

We spend our time focused on objects used to commit these heinous crimes rather then the issues that actually could make a difference such as bringing back the ideas of morality, right and wrong, but also bringing back the idea of a nuclear family. Young people need stable homes. Mental health needs to be not only addressed but followed up on, not just words but action.

Simply put, much of the evil you see would be resolved if we returned to God given principals and values, much of the evil today is a result of casting that aside.

I do not claim to be the most religious of men. I have been ordained in two denominations, only one of which is current,and I have studied the bible intently,I prefer my religion to consist of a lot of outdoors rather than buildings, yet even I can see what has happened; We as a nation have thrown away God and we are reaping the rewards for that. It's a matter of the heart and soul.

Go and look at your bible,correction, don't just look at it,actually read it. The Children of Israel are a fine example of what we see today. As their leadership went, so went the nation. When their leadership followed the laws of God they were blessed and the nations around them were blessed because of their faithfulness, but when it wasn't faithful to God and his laws, Israel suffered greatly, ultimately leading to their collective exile.

Were all the people evil? Of course not, but the innocent suffered as much as the guilty, likely because they did nothing to stop it. This is a lesson for us to learn from.

Our alleged leadership has tossed all things godly aside, some may pay lip service but the bottom line is that they will go with whats popular rather then what is right in the eyes of God and we are paying the price for it.

Is everyone in this country guilty? No, but just like Israel, too many good, God fearing people, refuse to participate in discussion and debate and challenge what is PC.

I refuse to be one of those people. Not saying I am better then anyone else, we all have our proverbial skeletons hiding in the closet, but I am suggesting that it is time to make a stand for what is right.

Even if I am socially ostracized for calling for a return to God and His laws, I can't remain silent, the PC thought police can silence me, but I won't willingly be silent.