Tinfoil hat time.
Call me what you will, but when major
news organizations such as AP and FOX have their freedom of the press
messed with I get concerned. Of course many of you might simply
dismiss FOX because the government doesn't see them as a “real”
news organization and ,being politically correct, you'd have to go
with what the government says. But if your a writer of any kind I
would worry if I was you. In light of all these other things that
have come out lately of what the government is doing what makes you
so sure that they aren't targeting you as well? What makes you so
sure that they haven't tapped in to other news organizations such as
CNN or ABC? The only reason we know about these two is because they
were caught.
I have been writing for years on things
pertaining to the constitution and the freedom of speech being
attacked ,all to no avail, and now its really coming to light as just
how far they are willing to go to violate that right. I have gotten
into heated battles over defending the rights of people who were not
PC in what they said. I defended their rights to speak and to be seen
as idiots with the simple point being that if you value the freedom
of speech then you must accept the rights of those whom you disagree
with to speak. If you don't who is going to defend you when what you
say becomes un popular?
What continues to surprise me is the
lack of concern, so it would appear anyhow, from most of the media
not involved in this case, and the argument that I keep hearing that
you shouldn't be worried if you have nothing to hide.
The problem with that argument is that
in both these major cases their was nothing to hide. In the case of
the AP they told the government what they had and they complied with
waiting a bit before they published it, meanwhile, even after being
cooperative, they were being investigated and their phone records
seized all under the radar. What was their crime? Investigating and
asking questions as journalists have done for 200 years. In the case
of FOX they went so far as to accuse the head of their Washington
bureau of being a “co-conspirator of possible criminal activity”
as justification of searching his personal records. Again, as in the
case of the AP, his only “crime” was asking for information. I
also saw a brief note today that perhaps CBS has been investigated as
well though I have no confirmation as of yet. I understand that the
government has a responsibility to investigate things that have a
serious effect on national security but neither of these cases as
well as some of the whistle blowers, that they have gone after, have
done anything wrong.
I have read , from other news sources,
that this is already having an effect on how reporters are getting
their information as insiders are a bit reluctant to give information
to journalists and who can blame them? This administration has made
it a point to prosecute whistle blowers and to go after reporters and
their sources in clear violation of the Constitution. Who's next?
I don't care if they try to shut me
down, I have about 10 readers world wide so I am no threat to them
but what about you? I know that a few of you who occasionally read my
blog are professional writers, people who are read by thousands world
wide if not millions, aren't you even a little concerned that perhaps
you are going to do some research on something and find yourself in
trouble for asking the wrong person the right questions? Or that you
might have sources of information that will dry up because people are
afraid to share info? You might think I am being melodramatic here
but these are very serious questions that you have to ask yourself.
If they are willing to go after the big dogs what makes you think
they won't come after you as well? More importantly though, if the
government is allowed to continue this practice who is ever going to
be able to keep the governments feet to the fire if not the press?
Granted up until recently I haven't been sure that they have even
been doing their jobs but now that they are a target it's amazing to
In many ways its being very
hypocritical on their part. While the federal government has been
passing bills or using executive orders to stop free speech, such as
not being able to protest anywhere near government officials that
have secret service protection or having your tax exempt status
threatened or questioned if your views are not politically correct,
they have remained mostly silent. Now that they are being targeted
they are outraged.
So I am mot going to belabor the point
but here is the first amendment emphasis is mine.
Congress shall make no law respecting
an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise
thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or
the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition
the Government for a redress of grievances.
In my humble opinion this is worse then
their attempts at the 2nd amendment because this they can
do under the radar and it only becomes clear when those being
investigated find out.
Just my simple minded opinion.