Do we have a constitution or not? Do we
have the bill of rights anymore, or is it some sort of worn out
useless piece of paper that would be best left on the dung hill of
history? What is it going to be folks because we can't have it both
ways. Either we stick to the founding documents, that our fore
fathers sacrificed damn near everything for, or we need to burn it
and just turn ourselves into the former Soviet Union because it would
appear that this is where we are headed.
For years I have been a voice for the
constitution. I have spoken up for the rights of people who I
disagree with, on many levels, and I have lost friends and almost
some family members for doing so.
Some people have suggested that I am
crazy for believing this, that our freedoms are being taken away .
They will ask questions such as what freedoms have you lost? Or why
should you worry if you have nothing to hide? Remember the old story
of putting a frog in boiling water? If you drop it in it will jump
right out but if you put it in cold water and heat it up slowly it
won't jump out and you have a boiled frog. This is whats happening to
us here, its not an all out attack, its little bits here and there
that we get used to and assume after awhile that its always been that
way. This is how it's being done.
Take free speech; you only seem to have
free speech if what you say or write agrees with whatever is
politically correct. If it is not you are shot down and insulted or
even silenced. Depending on the subject you can even be accused of
being a racist or a homophobe for no other reason than you defended
someone else s right to speak. Where does it say that you have the
right to not be offended? Where does it say that speech can only be
that which is un-offensive? You don't even have the right to protest
near any politicians who have secret service protection, if you do
you can be arrested. What part of freedom of speech is that?
Gun control, how many of you are old
enough to remember when you could carry a rifle in the back of your
truck on a gun rack? I remember it. I also remember when you could
have them at school as long as the vehicle was locked. Now you can
get arrested for drawing a picture of a gun in school. I don't
remember having to go through a bunch of background checks to by a
gun either. You walked into the store picked out one that you liked
and that was it. It wasn't until after 911 that I remember having a
back ground check done.
I won't even begin to get started with
all the violations, under political correctness, and supposedly for
our safety and good, of the other amendments especially the 4th-6th.
The latest attack seems to be on the
freedom of religion of those in the military. They are being told,
via the pentagon, who consulted with an atheist group of all things,
that being able to practice their religion, under some sort of
misguided notion that those in charge are forcing people to convert
to their beliefs, could get them a court martial. Even going so far
as to compare sharing your faith with “rape”. This is patently
absurd. I have spent a sizable portion of life in the Marines and was
a platoon Sgt. for a long time. I certainly invited Marines to church
and I would share my faith, at that time, with anyone who asked, but
I never forced anyone, nor did I know of any other leader who did.
Have there been some knuckleheads that have done this ? Yes, and they
were all properly punished for doing so, but you can't take away
someones right to practice their faith simply because of stupidity of
a few,never mind ask those same people to defend rights that they no
longer have. I had a good friend in the military who was and still is
an atheist, him and I used to have some very lively debates but under
this even atheists and evolutionists would have to keep quiet because
there is no more proof that they are right than anyone else so by
definition they would be sharing their faith if they spoke about it!
Go look at the former Soviet Union,
they banned anything religious and killed or enslaved
millions,especially Jews and Christians,and it almost destroyed them.
Is this what you really wish for?Look at China and North Korea is
this what you want? A military that lacks any sort of moral values?A
government that will not accept your God given rights? Men and women
of all types of faiths not being allowed to follow the moral codes
that they were taught?
Funny thing is that I'm not a Christian
and yet I will fight to the death to allow them their God given right
to practice their religion. I am not a Muslim or a Jew or Pagan, but
they should be afforded the same right, and if you have no belief
whats so ever then it not my place to tell you otherwise or force you
to believe as I do. I haven't and I won't. But we need to quit with
the silly notion that just because you don't like something, that the
rest of us have to conform to your so called standards. But then
again this has been the pattern amongst the liberal elite. You don't
like something or are offended by something so you try and make it
illegal for those of us who don't share your particular hangup.
Don't forget the boiling frog. That's
how its being done. That’s why the water is so warm.
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