So all of you who use Verizon feeling
pretty good right now? Perhaps you don't know yet? The National
Security Agency, the NSA for short, has all of your phone records!
That puts you in the company of Fox News and the AP! Doesn't that
just give you warm fuzzies?! Especially for those of you who love
this current administration. I know that Bush and company started all
this madness with the “Patriot Act” but I thought your man and
his administration was going to be “ the most transparent
administration ever.” I thought that he was going to get rid of all
the evil done under the republicans and restore our freedoms and
liberties and improve our standing in the world. Did I miss the memo
changing things? When was it that we became the Soviet Union?
Here is a question for you to ponder.
If they have gotten to Verizon, this is for those of us who don't use
their services, what makes you think that they don't have the records
of all our carriers? They had them from just about all the carriers
back during the Bush era ,thanks to provisions made in the Patriot
Act, so why wouldn't Obama and company do the same?
I suppose though that this is just
another one of those times where it doesn't really matter to most
Americans. You have nothing to hide and you should always expect that
your personal information to be public, forget about that pesky 4th
amendment that foolishly says”The right of the people to be secure
in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable
searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall
issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and
particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or
things to be seized.” Of course they didn't have cell phones in
those days,the founding fathers could never have imagined such things
but just like modern guns, which they couldn't have imagined
either,we should expect our liberties to be curtailed for the good of
all, but hey this is all perfectly acceptable under the Patriot Act
and has been going on for years according to Senators Fienstein and
Chambliss the top Democrat and Republican on the Senate Select
Committee On Intelligence. They insist that only the Metadata is
being collected ,not the actual conversations, and can't be used
unless FISA approves. This coming from the same people who tried to
tell us that the TSA couldn't keep records of people going through
the scanners. Right, we know how that turned out.
Look I am a simple minded person, hence
the name of this blog, I get it that there are bad guys out there
planning evil things but the idea of the 4th amendment is
that you target very specific people and things not everyone and
everything. This isn't about democrat vs republican because both
parties are complicit in allowing this to go on, this is about your
fundamental rights being violated by a government that is way out of
control and one that frequently,in the last 13 years or so, does so
quite openly and blatantly.
Maybe I'm the one that’s out of touch
with reality. Perhaps everyone really doesn't mind the government
monitoring everything that they do constantly, I do but I suppose I
am too simple Minded to understand why others are OK with it.
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