Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The end has come, my point has been made...

Off and on over the last 6 months or so I have considered dis-continuing to write "Simple Minded" and have finally decided that this will be my last post. My reasoning for it is as simple as I have tried to make this blog. First and foremost the points that I have been trying to make, our government becoming corrupted and seriously violating or ignoring the Constitution, has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.  You would have to be living under a rock or on another planet to not see it ,yet it would seem, that most Americans are OK with all of this, not necessarily those of you who read this, but it would seem that with a serious apathetic     and sheep like attitude the vast majority of Americans simply don't care or they believe the lie that we have to sacrifice our freedom for safety ,which has been the siren call of all dictators for centuries. So as such I feel that I am wasting my time in the effort to wake people up. Obviously most of you who read this humble blog are on the same page with me or you wouldn't bother, unless your the NSA that is, and there are not many of you still reading, so I will leave you to other patriots who perhaps have more knowledge than myself with the same amount of passion.
My second reason is that I want to focus more on spiritual matters in my other blog " His Quiet Voice" because even though I like politics, as I have said before, my argument has been made for me by the government and there is little more that I could add, but also because it has been burning me out to the point of missing the things of the spirit which are by far of more importance.
Simply put; I can do little to nothing to stop the corruption that is going on in this world and in our government. There is no president , king,  or politician that can, or will even try, to stop it until the time of the Messiah has come and God has set His kingdom up on this earth. So His kingdom is where I will put my hope and trust and leave the politics to others.

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