Tinfoil Hat Time: The after the weekend edition.
Mr. Obama during a speech on Thursday apparently blamed Fox News
for the problems implementing Obama care. I am so confused; I thought
that this administration didn't take Fox News very seriously? Didn't
they even suggest that Fox didn't even really do news? It couldn't
possibly be 20,000 pages of undecipherable regulations that even the
originators of the law find confusing?
Along that same note he also stated that there was no evidence
that the ACA was hurting businesses. Really? Setting aside those that
I know who have small businesses who can't afford to hire because of
the ACA, Investors Business Daily came out with a report on over 300
companies that have either laid off people or cut them back to part
time employees. This report does not take into account medical
institutions who have had to do the same, not to mention all the
unions that are declaring that this is going to ruin both the 40 hour
work week and the foundations of the middle class. When the unions,
which at one time supported this are now against it, and major
hospitals that once backed it are having to lay off or early retire
3000 employees it might be worth a second look before you implement
it. Perhaps if they had read it in the first place we wouldn't be
having this conversation....
Under the heading of “here we go again”, the republicans, in
the house, passed another budget bill this time with an amendment
delaying Obama care for a year....sigh....apparently they didn't get
the memo that Harry Reid is going to kill it , again, in the senate
and even if, by some miracle of the blessed virgin, it was to
actually get through the senate, Mr. Obama has said that he will veto
it. How about pass a budget and then fight over Obama care or, and I
think this is a much better idea,just let Obama Care happen. If
democrats are right and this is the greatest thing since apple pie
then come the 1st of January we should all be dealing with
unicorns and rainbows and there will be great rejoicing in the
streets and dems will win from now until eternity comes. If it isn't
,and the proverbial bat guano goes into massive rotation, then the
republicans will be able to say “I told you so” and the dems can
count on loosing elections for the foreseeable future. So in the
words of Dirty Harry, and this is to both parties, “do you feel
Under the category of “money not well spent” according to a
Denver news report 600 grand was spent in an affluent neighbor hood
to plant trees. This was federal money and didn't cost the wealthy
folks a penny. Also senator Tom Coburn put out a list of federally
funded programs that are wasteful such as “social media for
apples,Wine tasting and a youtube clip for handling watermelons.” I
am impressed. Nothing like knowing that apples are getting their own
social media while grandma can't afford to buy them....
Under the category of “wait a minute you are against this
On Friday Eric Holder announced that the Obama administration was
going to allow 45 million in funding for armed guards at schools. I
keep waiting for the punch line....are these the same people who made
fun of the NRA for suggesting that very thing.
Over the weekend a professor ,in Kansas, was suspended for a
twitter basically chastising the head of the NRA and telling him that
some day it could be him or his family mourning a shooting death. He
made no threats so I am not sure how this is deserving of suspension.
We either have a first amendment right to free speech or we don't.
One question; where are those that would agree with him? Shouldn't
the ACLU be screaming about his rights of free speech? How could it
be that this redneck, gun loving, bible reading hick is the only one
speaking up for his rights even when I disagree with him....
Under the category of “be careful who you date” Apparently
some members of the NSA have been using their positions to spy on
their lovers...I'm not even sure how to make fun of this one...hi I'm
the perverted spy that your mother warned you about.....
The UN has decided that they are 95% certain that humans are
responsible for climate change, suggesting that the earths temp has
gone up approx. 1 degree Fahrenheit since 1950. Now I remember back
in the 70's when we were being told that we were going to have
another ice age by the 90's if we didn't clean up our act. Then it
was global warming. The polar caps were melting, and Bermuda was
going to sink under the rising waters, and their would be more fierce
hurricanes...hasn't happened so now they have changed it to climate
change, which is a fancy PC term meaning “ they have no idea what
they are talking about they just want to tax you more” Anyone who
lives in the North East understands that when you go from a parka to
shorts and then back to a parka, all in a 12 hour period, THAT'S
climate change. I think I'll just stick to the “Farmers Almanac”
and my horoscope....
So that’s all for now. See you after we become the United
Socialist States of America......
A fine post, sir. I can do nothing more than just shrug my shoulders and shake my head.