I have, for the most part, stayed out
of the debate over what to do about Russia invading Crimea. Today
though, after hearing the President announce more sanctions on
Russia, I felt I had to put in my two cents worth.
Today marks the 11th
anniversary of our invasion of Iraq. I bring this up because
apparently this administration, along with many members of congress
who allowed the Iraq war to happen, seem to have forgotten that. Over
the last few days, including the speech Mr. Obama gave today, have
roundly condemned Russia for invading another country essentially
saying that in the 21st century we can't resort to
changing borders and having invasions for trumped up reasons. The
irony of this statement is amazing.
If going into Iraq wasn't based on
trumped up data, I don't know what else I can say about it. Our
government was hell bent to overthrow Saddam Hussein and had been
since the end of the first Gulf War, all that was needed was some
sort of reason. That reason came in the form of a bogus claim of
“weapons of mass destruction” primarily, “yellow cake” used
for making nuclear bombs. While it was true that he had used chemical
weapons in the past against some of his own people and Iran during
the Iran/Iraq war, the real premise was the “yellow cake” that
did not exist. Was there some chemical weapons found? Yes, but not in
the amounts we were told. It was all bogus.
Now, 11 years later Russia goes into
Crimea, by their request and with their approval, after our
government sponsored, quietly I might add, a bloody revolution in
Kiev, led by Nazi's. We interfered in the Ukraine because they were
accepting Russia's offers of help rather than ours. So now instead of
elected officials running the Ukraine we have Nazi's. Let me spell
that out for you “ National Socialist.” You know the guys with
the swastikas that hate everybody but themselves? Of course most
Americans wouldn't know that because our media for the most part has
ignored it. The BBC went into the Ukraine and actually interviewed
the “leaders” of this coup and it turned out that most of them
were extreme right wing zealots who would do Hitler proud. These are
the people that our government is supporting.
Now we are threatening sanctions,
Russia is threatening back, and we now have the potential of starting
another world wide economic collapse or even the potential for
another world war over the Ukraine’s legitimate government choosing
Russia's deal over ours.
I do not want to be misunderstood, I do
not agree with Russia occupying Crimea and it concerns me that
perhaps they have a bigger goal in mind such as all of the Ukraine
and, perhaps other nations of the former Soviet Union, but I would
humbly submit to you two things despite that concern: The first being
we have no right to stand up on a stage and tell Russia, or any other
country for that matter, what they can and can't do, particularly in
their own back yard. We lost that moral high ground a long time ago.
Second, our government needs to stop sticking it nose where it
doesn’t belong such as the internal affairs of a sovereign nation.
We may not like what they choose to do but it's supposed to be their
right to do so.
Just my Simple Minded Opinion.
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