Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I am a bigoted,racist homophobe...

I am coming out of the closet today. Or should I say I am being forced out. It would seem that by today's standards, or lack there of, I am a bigoted, racist, homophobe. There I said it, don't we all feel more empowered now?. I wonder if there's an AA type meeting for me somewhere? Probably not, for me nothing short of shutting up, being audited by the IRS or losing the job that I don't have is going to be the only cure.

For those of you who are a bit confused please let me try to explain before you start picketing on my front lawn because I'm not really fond of pitchforks...

Back in the old days say like 6 or 7 years ago I wasn't any of the afore mentioned things. I had a multicultural bunch of friends, my brother had come out of the closet and married his partner almost 20 years ago and I was good with it. My cousin I had known was a lesbian since I was something like thirteen ,which was an incredibly long time ago, but still I didn't take issue with it because it wasn't my problem. Life was good, I didn't hate anyone, though there are certainly people I wouldn't trust with my back to them, but over all I was at peace with the world and it with me.

Something happened though. The definitions of what it is to be a racist or a homophobe seems to have changed.

Back in the dark ages, when I was much younger, and had more hair, there were people that were massively racist. These were people who had no use for anyone that was not white Anglo Saxon protestant. It had nothing to do with what they said or how they dressed or even what they believed. They hated anyone who was not white. Period. End of argument. These were people who were truly racist. If you were black you were nothing but a lazy nigger. If you were Hispanic, you were nothing but a spic or a wetback. These were the kind of people that invented the Jim Crow laws and the KKK. They were true racist.
But in today's PC world if you are critical of anything a black leader ( please note my racism is confirmed by the fact I won't call black Americans “African” as they are Americans and not African) does or says, or you disagree with their political ideology, think President Obama, Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson, then you are called out on the carpet as being some sort of racist. If you point out the hypocrisy of the news media in reporting only white on black crimes or ignoring Islamic extremism then that makes you a racist and a bigot. So because I have done all of the above over the last few years and have angered some on the left for having the nerve to be critical, I am, by today's definition, a

That's only part one. Apparently I am homophobic as well.

I didn't used to think that I was, but I discovered that I must be because I have had the nerve to defend the rights of Christians, and others, to believe as they do, and to speak freely about it, based on the first amendment to that pesky constitution of ours. I have defended the rights of the KKK and the Black Panthers to spew out their hateful garbage and for others who disagree with them to shout out louder but apparently that’s not good enough. Apparently if you express any view that might be not PC or that does express your religious point of view concerning gay marriage you are going to be hammered and quite possibly lose your job or position because of it. Or, as in the case of the NFL, you may be forced to go into classes, if you wish to continue to play, to reeducate your mind to PC thinking. Soviet Union anyone?
So I guess that makes me homophobic. I disagree with the notion of forcing people to violate their consciences or causing them to lose their employment simply because they are following their religious beliefs instead of conforming to what they see as being wrong.
Now, for the 4 or 5 of you who might still be reading, I want you to notice something. In all that I wrote I never said that I hated any one nor was I condemning any ones way of life, yet in the PC world what I have written is just enough to label me as a bigoted, racist, homophobe. There are no actual facts to defend such a position but this is what we have come to in this nation.

If you are not for PC or you are critical of something that is PC you are against us and you will pay dearly. That’s what it all boils down to. This is just mt Simple Minded opinion.


  1. First I want to commend you for saying what is most likely
    in many other's minds as
    well, only they weren't brave
    enough to say it.. Frankly, I
    think a lot of people have just
    made the conscious choice to march to the same beat as
    everyonre else because it
    requires too much effort to

    When you think about it, more people are on some form of antidepressents or high blood pressure medicine today, then when we were growing up.
    People are either losing their jobs or homes or both.
    They live paycheck to
    paycheck and worry how to pay the bills; how they're going to feed their families, and if they' ll have enough money to retire on...
    Is it any wonder that there's so many unhappy, uptight people out there?

    Ignacio, I think you should run for president :)

  2. You would get my vote : )
