Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Today Equals 1939

Today I saw the video of the Jordanian pilots brutal execution by ISIS. I thought the beheading of other hostages was bad enough but this brought this evil to a new all time low level. It was so bad that I had to turn off the volume because of the screaming. So why did I watch it you might wonder; I wanted a fresh reminder of the full blown evil that is waiting to destroy all of us because we will do nothing to stop it, by we I mean the western world, more specifically,our government. Mr. Obama makes statements, his people speak many words and still they do nothing. Sure they have been doing some bombing missions, sure we have some troops on the ground trying to train the Iraqi's, again, but we are still virtually doing nothing to stop them. Words don't matter to them, power does, and right now they are in the drivers seat of power. Does anyone really think that they couldn't be stopped by the combined forces of the United States, Canada, Great Britain, among others? Why are we letting them get away?

Does anyone here reading this remember what happened to Iran and Libya when Reagan took office? First the Iranians immediately released the hostages because they knew better than to mess with him and later we bombed the snot out of Libya. Both of those nations got very quiet for a long time after that. It was the combination of both the threat and the actual use of force, that stopped them.

Now we have a president with no backbone. He can't even bring himself to identify them as Islamic terrorists, never mind use force to stop them. He says we are doing things in a smarter way. What way is that sir? Please explain to all of us of how your policies of looking the other way are saving lives over there. I suspect that there are a couple of dead Japanese , not to mention, thousands of Muslims, as well as the pilot, that might disagree with you.

We are being told by our own government that it's wrong to offend Islam by drawing pictures of Mohammad or by telling the truth of him being such a pedophile and a mass murderer. It's perfectly OK to attack Christians and Jews but to insult Islam could get you thrown in Jail. It's OK to paint swastikas on Israels flag, or boycott them for defending their own land from Islamic terrorists, it's perfectly OK for someone to put a cross in a jar of urine and call it art but heaven forbid you draw a cartoon of Mohammad. That might earn you jail time or get you killed.

This whole mess reminds me of Neville Chamberlain getting off the plane in Britain in 1939 waving a piece of paper and saying that there wouldn't be a war with Germany because Hitler had signed that piece of paper. No one in Europe wanted to acknowledge the real danger that they faced so they turned a blind eye and 5 years later millions were dead and Europe was all but destroyed. Apparently we haven't learned.

ISIS is growing by leaps and bounds. They have money , they have sophisticated weapons, they have some of the best recruiting tools, using modern equipment, to show their horrific deeds and they have the will to kill all who stand in their way.

We need to stop this now before they start here.

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