I think we are living in the twilight
zone. I fully expect that some morning I am going to wake up and
there is going to be Rod Serling, smoking a cigarette, standing in
his suit, with the music playing in the back ground, informing me
that I have just entered a new dimension of sight and sound known as
the twilight zone.
While we have been focused on the
Confederate Battle Flag as somehow being responsible for the death of
9 black church members, 7 blacks were killed by other blacks in
Chicago, not to mention the 47 others wounded, over the 4th
of July weekend. Barely a word about that, but that flag has to go.
While we have been focused on the
ramifications of the SCOTUS decision to legalize gay marriage, The
bakers in Oregon have been fined 135K for standing on their religious
convictions by not providing a cake for a lesbian wedding, While the
two woman sited pain and suffering as the reason for such damage
amounts, ISIS has being throwing gay men off of roofs and killing
them for being gay and other countries are simply hanging them. Not
sure that a cake should be the focus of concern...
While we were enjoying our BBQ's and
fire works the Russians were flying bombers within firing distance
off the coasts of Alaska and California, even as Vladimir Putin was
calling President Obama and wishing him a good and happy Independence
While the Army has announced it's going
to be cutting it's forces back to pre WW2 levels, the Chinese
are building a massive military that
already dwarfs ours in size( military personnel ,we still have
better tech for now) and they are building islands out in the Pacific
as advanced bases.
While everyone and their mother has a
cow about the things that Donald Trump said, they are ignoring the
truth of what he said. The border is dangerous and it is largely the
fault of the Mexican government as well as our own. Where is the lie
in that? And while the point is argued by those easily offended, a
woman is killed by a man who had been deported 5 times and was only
on the street because the city he was in refused to hold him.
While we are speaking of truth vs lies.
Hillary Clinton. Enough said. At least you can trust Bernie Sanders
to tell the truth. Yet everyone is fawning over the liar and
ridiculing the one who tells the truth. When you can trust the
socialist one to speak the truth, you have a big problem.
While the government wants to be bigger
than ever and have us trust them as knowing whats best. Even as more
and more people trust the Fed with their info,they prove just how
incompetent they are by not being able build a system that protects
22 million of us from having our info and clearances stolen by a
foreign government.
While we are anticipating new operating
systems, new cell phones and other electronic gadgets, the world
starves and is in poverty. We could end all poverty today but we
don't because it doesn't pay.
While the world condemns Israel for
defending it's self against terrorists, terrorists are attacking
those very same nations that are condemning Israel and calling for
jihad against them.
While a nation such as Iceland arrests
bankers and crooked politicians for nearly destroying their economy,
we keep electing the politicians who are in bed with the bankers that
are destroying ours..
While all the above is going on our
nation becomes dumber. I watched several on the street interviews,
where people were asked simple questions regarding our
history,especially as it pertains to Independence Day, and 99 percent
of them couldn't even tell the questioners what it was we were
celebrating. The only person who knew was an Italian tourist. We can
waste time teaching our children about sexual orientation but we
can't teach them basic history?
While our nation becomes dumber we are
also becoming less patriotic. Polls show that many of the
“millennial” generation are not proud to be American and honestly
who can blame them. What “history” is taught makes us all look
like we are evil and our current President and administration re
enforces that perception by putting everything in the concept of race
and gender or political positions, dividing us along every kind of
line possible, and if you don't tow the line or speak the correct PC
words then obviously you are a bigot and a homophobe or quite
possibly both.
There is more that could be written.
But because most of us have short attention spans I won't bother, but
I hope you can see what I mean. It seems like we are living in the
Twilight zone or possibly the Matrix...that would be a subject for
another day.
Cue the music....
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