Friday, August 23, 2019

The United States of Racism

For the last two and a half years or so, we have been treated to the main stream media and various politicians that have loudly pontificated about Russia, collusion and obstruction or a combo of all three. Mercifully it has gone away, rather quietly, into the void where it never should have been released from in the first place. I remember telling my wife that if HRC was to loose, which no one could conceive of in their wildest dreams, that the excuse would be Russian interference. Well I was right, that has been the excuse, but finally, after millions of wasted dollars and endless media gushing over every possible ridiculous theory of what was in the report long before it was ever put out, it has come to its predictable end. So basking in this glorious enlightenment of those that should have known better in the first place, we can get back to the business of running the country, right? Apparently wrong.

The newest bit in all this is now constantly accusing President Trump of being a “white nationalist” or a racist. The NYT and CNN (as well as others) are now taking the racist theme so far as to say that if you voted for Trump, or are planning on it again, that you are a racist and you have blood on your hands. Doesn't matter if you are black, brown, yellow or white you are evil, you are the embodiment of Hitler and Satan combined if you had the nerve to vote for Trump rather then HRC and you are the root of all that is evil.
The NYT has admitted that their goal is to show everything American, from our history and founding, to President Trump, is based on nothing but bigotry and racism, with their end goal of making sure that Trump and anyone republican or conservative never gets elected or reelected.
So how do they do this? First you distort and eliminate history. You rewrite history to follow your views and push it on to kids, if you teach them history at all,and when you do speak of the countries founding you eliminate the good that the founders did and focus on their flaws. Instead of focusing on the declaration of independence which declared that “all men are created equal”, you note instead that the writer, Thomas Jefferson, was a slave holder and therefore a racist and by default all the founders were as well. The fact that only about 3% of the southern population owned slaves is irrelevant. After that it becomes easy. You tear down statues and institutions and when people argue back you just label them as racist and destroy their lives in any way necessary. You don't need facts, you just need feelings and mental lenses that let you filter the world of a hundreds of years past through your own 21 century world view.
Ironically by trying to eliminate or alter history, with the help of media, the democratic/socialist party is actually trying to protect itself from it's own history.

No democrat voted for Lincoln, nor did they support freeing the slaves, in fact it was partially because they believed that Lincoln would free the slaves with out their consent they seceded from the union.

Only 3% of the people,rich democrats I might add, in the south, actually owned slaves,as I mentioned before, but even for most of them slavery wasn't the issue, it was the rights of the individual states to live as they so chose versus the rights of the federal government to decide how they lived their lives.

Democrats were responsible for the KKK and Jim Crow and segregation. They voted against the civil rights act, and women rights. The only things they seemed to support was for bigger government and for Planned Parenthood, who's founder was a democrat who's stated goal was to destroy the black community. This is historical fact, look it up.

The real racists are the ones that have spent the last 30 or 40 years dividing us by everything, including race, and pitting us against each other, rather then embracing the idea that “all men are created equal” and rejoicing in a country that offers unlimited opportunity for anyone who is willing to work for it.

Whats truly amazing to me though is that the very same people that are promoting “racism” in everything and the rewriting of history to promote that view are the same people who are profiting greatly by the very system that they claim is evil and racist. But I guess if screaming racism can earn them money and great profits why would they want to change it?

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