Sunday, April 11, 2021



A bout a year ago rumors started to spread about vaccination passports. Many folks believed that this was nothing but a conspiracy and, in all fairness, it was mostly to be found on alternate news web pages, and it was mocked. Well much has changed in the last year.

It would seem that the rumors aren't so far off after all.

The current donkey occupying that rather pale building in the district has assured us that the government has no plans to implement such a thing so we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief...right? Not so fast dear reader.

What he said was that he would let the markets ( corporations) decide on what was best for their businesses and venues. When you consider that all the major corporations, and businesses are all

tied into globalism, and have a working relationship with China, and add into the mix the simple fact that many in the district, especially the donkey in charge, all have been bought and paid for by them and you have a grand set up for not only a vax passport but also a social credit system as is used by both China and now Israel.

Now I know some of you are still probably thinking that this can't happen here? Really? Have you been asleep for the past year? This isn't just being suggested as a possibility, it is currently being worked on right now. The issue for them isn't what we would want ,they don't care one iota for us, but what is the best way to implement a system that won't be hacked and will give some modicum of privacy. But I am going to guess that in the end they aren't going to care about those things either because it's ultimately about power and control.

I have to say that Israel surprised me with this. Of all the nations in the world, you would think that they would understand the concept of “carrying your papers” or the ostracizing of those who can't or won't get a vaccine, is this going to be the electronic version of the star of David?

I'm not against vaccines per se. But I'm not taking it. I, like many others in the military, were experimented on with vaccines that hadn't been approved. Many became sick as I did, others passed on defects to the children they had afterwards. I don't trust them and I don't care who is living in the pale building, even if it came from the former elephant in chief I wouldn't take it, so that means, according to what they are suggesting, I will become one of those second class citizens and I imagine that I am not going to be alone.

So is this the kind of country/world you really want? Do you really want to be told by the big corporations and the government what you can and can't do based on an unproven shot? And then whats to stop them from adding to those conditions? You don't support the right groups, you write or read the wrong unapproved messages. Perhaps your beliefs are to conservative? Pick your subject. Once this gets started there will be no limit to what they can do.

Speak up and speak loud people. Stop this insanity or the next thing you may be hearing is “papers please” comrade.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Voter ID


I am an American. Let me state that quite clearly. I have never spent much time considering the idea that I am any kind of minority, with, perhaps, the exception of my rather unusual name kind of standing out here in the rural boonies of Maine, but still I have always considered myself an American first and foremost as long as I can remember. Today though I am going to consider my “minority” status to speak out at what I consider to be one of the greatest insults put out there by the donkeys in charge.

According to them, those of us who happen to have a bit of a darker pigmentation, are , in a word, ignorant.

Apparently we have no idea of how to get identification. We don't understand the internet or how to look up places that will help you in that endeavor. We don't even know how to use a phone book to look up phone numbers to make appointments for those Id's either. Until this mob took over I never realized just how ignorant I am.

Following this logic I shouldn't own my house or even have a car because both of those things require ID to purchase. I shouldn't own any weapons or have a library card. I shouldn't have been allowed into the military or the VA. Strange that I do have all theses things yet I am to dumb to have proper ID to vote.....

Must have been my wife that got all these things for me, she is 100 percent white after all, so she is that much more intelligent than I am.

The donkeys have been making this argument for decades. Every time someone or a state passes a law that might slow down their quest for ultimate dictatorial power they pull out the minority ( pick the one that is suitable to your cause) card. This time however, stupid “woke” corporations are getting in on the act as well. I call them stupid because it would appear that they don't even read the legislation in question, they just go with what ever the woke crowd or the donkeys tell them is true.

I could care less about MLB or Coke. If all the corporations in question all crash and burn I won't loose a bit of sleep over it but I am getting a bit irritated with this assumption that somehow I, and all others of the darker pigmentation's, are dumber than rocks.

During this last election cycle I received 4 absentee ballot requests from a state I once lived in, a state that doesn't require id. Between my wife. My daughter and myself we could have voted 12 times (we didn't but that's hardly the point here) and then voted here in Maine and no one would known but us.

Voter ID needs to be the law of the land. Not just in a few states but all of them. That's not “racist” that is simple common sense, enough with the pandering, and insults, most of us are not as dumb as you seem to think we are.