Saturday, April 24, 2010

Free Speech Sedition?

Today's blog is about something that I don't hear a whole lot of concern over.With the economy being in the mess that it's in and your average American just trying to make ends meet not much else is being talked about. But as I have been watching the news over the last week or so, particularly since tax day, I have noticed a trend in the MSM to subtly but clearly attack the tenets of free speech.

It has been an amazing thing to watch and truly admirable in it's subtlety. If you ever wanted to learn how to do things in such a way as to not get caught you should watch the journalists of today.

Over the past week I have listened as various news organizations have spoken about everything from the Tea Party, to various commentators around the country ,and the theme has been the same. Anger to sedition. One individual even went so far as to accuse Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin of actually committing sedition by speaking against the Obama administration and or calling it a "Regime". They have compared the various groups who protested against the current health care mess in KKK and Nazi skin heads, incredible.

It is truly amazing to me that we have come to a point in America that if you disagree with the current people in office, that you can be labeled a racist and come close to being accused of sedition. Where was all this when everyone,including me, was protesting against the things that "W" was doing? O there were some people who tried to say that we were not being patriotic, but we were never accused of sedition.
When Cindy Shehan was spending her weekends in Texas protesting everything that Bush did, do you know what his response was? "She has the right to do so " that's it. In fact if there was one thing that drove most republicans crazy is that he never spoke up to defend himself let alone accuse people of sedition. What a difference a few years make.

I personally do not care for anything that the Obama administration has done, but does that make me seditious or am I just expressing my right to free speech and the freedom of the press?

I realize that my blog will never have the impact of Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh,so I am no real threat but does that really matter? They are simply using their God given right of free speech that is guaranteed in the constitution.

Someone once said to me, that words have consequences and as such we should be careful, and I do agree with that sentiment, but that still doesn't mean that you should be censored because you happen to disagree with whats politically correct at the moment.I don't like skinheads or Neo Nazi's but our rights to free speech guarantee them the right to speak and it gives me the right to speak against them.Politics are no different, if I disagree with what is going on I am constitutionally guaranteed the right to speak my mind. I have spoken out against things in every administration since Ronald Reagan , does that mean I hate my country? Is that somehow suggesting that I want to overthrow the government? No! It simply means that I am exercising my right and DUTY as an American citizen to disagree with whatever policy or law that is being debated. No sedition, just free speech.

I should also point out something rather obvious (to me anyhow) to the MSM, right now you are politically correct, what is going to happen to you when the tables are turned and you are suddenly out of favor? When that time comes, and it will if things are not changed, you will suddenly discover that you are no longer wanted or needed and then where will you be? I'll tell you where: you will be sitting in a prison cell with the very same people that YOU accused of sedition.
So there it is. If I am a seditionist then I guess you can send the black helicopters to come and get me, because as long as there is breath in my body and as long as I disagree with a policy or an administration I am going to exercise my right to free speech and I urge you to do the same.

Semper Fi,

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