Monday, April 19, 2010

Tea Party

For the past several years I have been writing mostly about things of a religious nature and have tried to stay away from politics as much as possible. But then I started thinking about how much time I spend on the Internet looking at the news both from the mainstream media and alternate web sites and I thought that I might just put my two cents worth into the ring. I should warn you though that I am not politically correct in most of what I say. I will simply write as I see it and as long as your polite about a differing opinion I will respond in kind.

So today I am going to start this blog talking about the "Tea Party"
I have noticed a trend in the MSM(main stream media) to go out of their way to demonize the Tea Party and their associates to the point of absurdity. They have gone out of their way as well to try and make them loosely associated with various militias, filled with homo phobic, racist and white supremacists who's only issue is that their is a black man in the white house.

The reality is that these are patriotic, God loving Americans who disagree with the government taking over everything. They want less government and a government that actually uses the constitution for something more then wiping the backsides with.To suggest that it's just about taxes or who is in the White House is to purposely be ignorant of the people in the Tea Party movement. These are people from all walks of life, race ,creed or color. These are moms and dad's,grandparents, veterans and antiwar people. They are Christians , Jews and Muslims. They are people who have no belief in G-D at all. It is literally a very mixed bag of people who make up the very base of our country. The things that bring them together is really simple to understand. Less/smaller government and a return to the constitution.

The current round of imbeciles that are in the MSM are truly clueless as to who the people are that make up these various movements. So rather then take the time to do so (get to know them) and thus return some credibility back to journalism, they would rather just lie about us.
Why do they lie? Because they are afraid of all of us. A movement has started that they can't ignore nor can they influence and it frightens them.The truly sad part is that the journalists themselves either aren't aware or they don't care that they are being used and manipulated by the government and they won't have any real freedom again until the constitution is once again put into practice.

I am ,by political belief, a Libertarian. If you don't know what that is you can look it up on line and that will explain it pretty well. I want a smaller government and one that actually uses the constitution. I want to be left alone to live my life as I see fit and worship my G-D as I wish and I am all about you having that same right.

So lets start with the big one. "Angry over having a black man in the White House" in other words a racist. Nope that one won't work. A lot of the Tea Party people, at least the ones that I know,weren't big fans of George Bush and were usually found at just about any rally telling him to quit all his stupid stuff, like destroying our freedoms via the Patriot act and spying on Americans, never mind all the war protest. Just like the current administration Bush went ahead and did what he wanted to and to hell with the rest of us.So what's the difference between the two? Obama is doing the same thing. So while it was OK to slam on Bush and protest, it's not OK to protest Obama? You can scream about Bush and paint a Hitler moustache on him and thats all right, but if you do it to Obama, it's racist? I guess I have to hate everyone then. I am a half breed white man and Hispanic so obviously that makes me a racist, it couldn't possibly be that I disagree with current politics? Surely it must be that white blood in me...funny, Obama is half white then that would make both of us racists, if I can be accused of it as a half breed, who doesn't like what he is doing, then surely the same can be said of him. Maybe it would be easier to explain this way; I don't like his politics and he doesn't like mine.How about we just toss the whole race thing out the window into the trash where it belongs.

What about being Homophobic? Again most of the people I know, believe in the philosophy, live and let live and really being Gay or not has nothing to do with the current mess in D.C. From a personal perspective my brother is married to a man in a state where it is legal to do so and they have a wonderful daughter as well.They are very loving to each other, and to their daughter, and I couldn't be more proud of him being my brother. Have I mentioned my cousin and her partner, or some of my friends?
So the Homophobic one doesn't work for me or my friends either.

I do fit into the "cling to my guns, my G-D, and my Bible" crowd but I am of the mind that if your not, that's OK and I am not going to put on Cammies and come sniping at you because you don't. But of course according to the current Government, I am a walking potential terrorist because I have fought in a war, that my government sent me out to fight in the first place. And even crazier is that Obama was going to end our war and bring everyone home, he wasn't going to be like his predecessor with endless war! We are still there. So if I speak out against that does that somehow make me a hater as well?

The list of things could go on, but I hope you get the point. Speaking up against the things that you disagree with in the government is your right and your duty and it is something that many Americans from days gone by fought to give you the right to do.
It's not about race, nor is it party affiliation, it's about returning this government back to what the founders intended it to be.

Semper FI,

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