Monday, June 21, 2010

I am a Zionist

I am a Zionist. There I said it out loud, so we can now dispense with any confusion on the matter and move on to why and perhaps along the way you might take a moment to consider my reasons.

A few days ago, while I was looking at various postings on Face Book, I ran across a posting that really irritated me greatly. It was what I like to think of as the usual song and dance of people who just utterly despise Israel with no real, even remotely provable reasons. To say that I went off in my response would be a bit of an understatement. I do not understand this visceral hatred of Israel that I see in this world and I couldn't just sit back and let the comment go by without responding.
I understand the idea that people can dislike what a government does, but this tends to go way beyond that to an utter dislike if not out and out hatred of the Jewish people themselves. Their people are no different than ours and they are subject to the stupid things that their government can do just as we suffer for the stupidity of our leaders.

But to make a blanket statement about an entire group of people just based on their government seems a bit much. Of course I know that this hatred of Israel goes back thousands of years and in today's world seems to be a matter of political correctness as well, but I simply think it is stupid to hate a group of people simply because their government does something that you don't like and of all the people who should really understand this, Americans should be in the forefront of understanding, instead of leading the hatred cheering section. We are a nation that is despised almost as much as Israel and for many of the same reasons, yet instead of uniting with Israel against common enemies we are busy kissing up to those same enemies, whom, at a drop of a hat, will kill us all for no other reason then we don't believe in their version of God.
Now the responses back to me were a bit varied. Some pointed out that it was the money that was being sent to Israel that bothered them, others tried to suggest that somehow Israel was being inhumane to the people in Gaza. But the response that really got my attention "accused" me of being a "Zionist" and a supporter of people who "commit genocide", so I thought I might talk for just a moment about these accusations.

My first thought was something to the effect of whats wrong with being a Zionist? I have heard a lot about anti Zionism, those that are against Israel and the Jewish people, and I know I certainly wouldn't want to be associated with any of them. You know wonderful people such as Adolph Hitler and his crowd, or that nut ball leader of Iran who has vowed to wipe Israel off the map? Then of course there are the wonderful groups of Neo Nazi's and white supremacists groups as well as about every Arab nation on the planet. Nope got no interest in being associated with them. So whats the deal here? Are these people telling me that they are willingly a part of that same crowd of people? That they would rejoice in the destruction of a country about the size of New Jersey and all the people living there? Where is their outrage at the countries around Israel, all Muslim, that won't open their borders to Gaza or the Palestinians? Could it be that they know something about the destructive nature of Hamas and the PLO, that the western world is ignoring? Just sayin....
Any way that I look at it I can't even begin to understand why you would want to support people who's sole purpose in life seems to be the mass extinction of another and those same people want the same for us as well. "First the Saturday people then the Sunday people". Their words not mine.

As for the whole notion of Israel committing genocide; Where and what is your proof?
I have never read anywhere where Israel has said that their goal is to wipe out the Palestinians and all those in Gaza. Hitler had an entire plan all figured out to do that and he damn near succeeded. In fact I would dare say that you would find that if you take a moment to look at history, that Israel has acted with a great amount of restraint, they have been attacked over and over and where as they have the ability to wipe their attackers off the map, they haven't done so. In today's world starting with the PLO it has been thousands of terrorist attacks and missile launches. Don't you think that if Israel was intent on genocide that it would have done so along time ago? They certainly have the ability. There are many non Jews who live in Israel as Israeli citizens and Arabs in their government, where is that a sign of genocide? If the people in Gaza would take it upon themselves to stop Hamas then the problems that they are having would go away, but they can't get rid of them, why? Besides the fact they aren't terribly willing, Hamas has a nasty habit of killing those that oppose them. If you don't believe it google it, you will find multitudes of clips showing them killing their own people.
It's as simple as this to me; This is still a free country, for the time being anyhow,and you have the right to say and believe what you will and I will defend that right with my life even when we don't agree but I ask you to do something really simple.
Quit believing all the crud that the Main Stream Media is feeding you. They have a huge anti Israel agenda and so they are going to feed you with they want you to hear.
Instead take the time to go Arutz Sheva an Israeli on line newspaper or some other on line paper and look at what is happening from their point of view. Or get on Israel National Radio, which you can hear on line in English, and hear their stories. Some of them are just as unhappy with their government as you might be, but you wind up getting the human side to the story and not just the media story, and then call someone while your listening to the shows and ask questions. I did all these things and so now I have a much different view of what is going on in Israel and the middle east then I ever had before.
So my challenge to you is to do as I have done and look and listen for yourselves and then decide what you will, you might just surprise yourself.


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