Thursday, June 24, 2010

The End Part....?

If anyone who reads this has seen my face book status ,especially yesterdays, you would perhaps note a touch of cynical sadness on my part. I usually try to be upbeat about most things, even the stupid stuff that just makes no sense, but I guess I have finally just hit the totally wiped zone and it brings to mind the question, and hence my facebook status, are we finally at the end of the world as we know it? We have oil pouring into the gulf of Mexico and the rumors flying all over the Internet as to what this is going to do to America and quite possibly the world.

We have a mad man in Iran who WANTS to start a nuclear war because he believes that by doing so he will usher in the era of the 13Th Imam, and he brags about getting more material to do so.

We have China and India as being the biggest polluters,along with Russia, and they aren't going to stop just because we whine about it, poisoning the air.

We live in a nation of people who have this wonderful Utopian idea of how they would just love to see the world, totally oblivious of the harsh realities of a world that doesn't give a damn about what they think.

We have extreme heat down here in the south, nice and close to the gulf I might add, which can cause even more problems, and earthquakes in Canada and the NE. Lets not forget about the Volcanoes in Iceland or the massive earthquake in Haiti...the list of madness goes on.

I am not normally a doom and gloom kind of person, I usually just try to roll with the punches but I have to tell you that what I see happening all over the world makes me think that we are about to destroy ourselves but good. Many a Religious person has asked the question is G-D trying to tell us something. I think it could be but we aren't listening. Oh I know to some of you the thought that God, if He even enters your thoughts, would cause destruction because of our sins against Him, is just a totally foolish notion,but I would have to ask you a question; When, in your life, or in recorded history,have you seen such madness and destruction as what we are seeing today? I can show you a few from history but most people don't believe it, though I personally do.

For many years now people have been focusing on the Mayan calendar that suggests that the world starts over on Dec. 21, 2012. On that day their 26,000 year calendar cycle ends and it starts over. That's usually where everyone starts having differing opinion's as to what that actually means.You can google the various theories. Even beyond the Mayans though we have many cultures around the world that have the same kind of predictions only, with some of those, the changes that happen are almost quite literally earth shattering and dramatic.Christianity and Judaism, and I do believe the Muslims as well, have prophecies of the end and massive destruction. Though they don't give dates they sure make it clear as to the things to look for.

I don't believe that this is the first time it's happened, that the world has destroyed itself, but we may be making sure that it's the last time.Some of you may debate me on this if you wish but I think that there is ample evidence out there to suggest that societies greater then ours once existed and that for many reasons unknown they disappeared from the earth, leaving behind marvels and wonders that we either can't figure out how they did, or we simply can't reproduce because we don't have the technology available. It is however the various stories told around the world about their destruction that fascinates me and of course make we wonder if we are about to do the same.

Most of us know about the flood of the Bible. Many cultures around the world have various versions of the flood so you have to decide for yourself if all these various peoples from various cultures around the world were either telling the truth or they all just happened to have the same grand delusion. I tend to believe that they were telling the truth so it begs the questions; What about their stories of other cataclysmic events? Were those true as well? When did they happen or even how is it possible?

India and China, amongst others , have artwork that goes back thousands of years depicting aircraft battling in the skies and of massive destruction. The Aztecs and the Egyptians have hieroglyphics depicting flying objects as well, that some will tell you are birds or bugs, but bare amazing resemblance to aircraft of today.
King Solomon in all his wisdom said in Ecclesiastes 1:10-11 " Is there anything of which it may be said, See this is new? It has already been in ancient times before us.There is no remembrance of former things nor will there be any remembrance of things that are to come by those who will come after." Could it be that Solomon knew something that the rest of us just don't seem to grasp?

There is a scientist who has studied the desert for most of his life and one of the things that he discovered was this green rock like glassy substance. Besides the fact that it was found in every desert he studied, he claimed that the only way that this particular form of glassy rock could have been formed was by an extreme heat source such as that produced by a nuclear blast. Did this happen? I don't know but the evidence is compelling. Ask me and I'll send you the article.

So what am I getting at? I am suggesting to you that the way that we are going at this moment, even as I write this, that we may be on the verge of destroying our civilization if not our entire world once again.

Some of you are thinking; These are the signs that were foretold of Messiah's coming, or that it just means that Jesus is going to return again soon or the 13Th Imam. Are you so sure? Tell me this then, if any of the above is true for us at this moment, what is the time table? This year? Next? Ten, a hundred years? We simply don't know.
G-D destroyed this place, at least once, by a flood and the evidence would suggest that there has been more times, and by all scriptural accounts, it will get at least partially destroyed again if not completely, but how do we know, in the meantime, that He isn't going to destroy us and start over again with a few survivors?

We have become a world that is full of madmen who put profit and greed over the good of people. We are a world that has tossed G-D out and have replaced Him with human "gods" or government.We have enough weapons of mass destruction, and those willing to use them, to destroy our world many times over, and we as a human race just watch it happen. I grant you, not everyone does but way to many do. So you tell me am I wrong
or could it be that the fumes from all the oil in the gulf is finally getting to my brain and I have visions of rain laden with chemicals destroying everything... which brings me back to the beginning....


1 comment:

  1. I can't really take issue with anything you said. I can't deny these thoughts have also gone through my mind. Multiple times. I think Deepwater Horizon was what John saw in Revelation 8:8. But it's been told. He that hath ears let him hear. Don't get bogged down in the negatives. Be encouraged, my friend. He is good.
