Thursday, July 1, 2010

Independence Day

So once again we have reached the 4Th of July Holiday and just like many of you I have some wonderful plans that involve BBQ, drink and great company. I suspect that we will have everything from heartburn to sunburn but still a good time to be had by all.

So here is my thought or should I say question to you; What does the Independence day really mean to you? I am not asking that to accuse anyone of being stupid, I actually knew someone who thought that the 4Th was nothing more then a day that people got together and just had a good time. She had no clue that there was some real significance in this day. So how about it, what does it mean to you? Does it mean anything at all to you?

I believe that to most Americans , Independence day doesn't mean what it once did. How can it? We are no longer a nation of people who think and act for themselves. We are or ,I should say have become, a nation of dependent people who ,instead of enjoying their G-D given rights of freedom and liberty,have become dependent on the government for everything. We expect the government to fix all our problems and when they don't we whine and whimper, rather then doing for ourselves as our ancestors would have done.

Have you ever considered just what the founding fathers risked by signing the Declaration of Independence? They risked everything, including their lives, just to bring about this very freedom that we have casually tossed aside. They stood up to the strongest empire on the earth ,at that time ,and defeated them. Very few of those men had ever been soldiers, most were farmers or trappers or various tradesmen. They were bankers and lawyers and politicians as well. They came from all walks of life and included blacks and women, and all came because of a simple dream, freedom from tyranny and oppression. All risked their lives and their fortunes on a simple dream; Liberty and Freedom.

This country that was born from that Declaration has had it's problems and we haven't done everything perfectly, but until recently we have tried,as a people, to make right those things that we have gotten wrong, without sacrificing our G-d given rights, to life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Now that has all changed. We have given up our freedom and liberty for "security".
We have gone from a "we the people" to "they the government".
We have traded in our representative Republic for a poor excuse of so called democracy.
We demand that the government take control of everything thus giving them the powers of a tyrant. Instead of firing them, which is the Constitutional thing to do, we embrace them.
We have removed G-D from everything and yet the founders depended on G-D and I might add only G-D. They knew that this nation would not last long if the very foundations of this Republic, the Judeo-Christian laws and principals, were destroyed, and they were right. We have taken G-D out of the class rooms and the downplayed His importance in the lives of our founders and we are now morally bankrupt and we have accepted the very tyranny that our founders fought and died to get away from.

There is a lot more then I could say, but my guess is that most people will be busy eating their burgers and waiting for the fireworks to start, to pay any attention to what I am saying. I am old fashioned and out of touch with so called reality, but here is my small word of reality for you; We gave up our "Independence" a long time ago.
So in reality we are not celebrating our independence, instead we are "celebrating" that warm fuzzy feeling we get knowing that the benevolent government will be there to fix all our problems for another year.
Cynical? Perhaps, but if I am show me where I am wrong....good luck.


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