Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Greed , Power,and Stupidity

Anyone who knows me at all, knows that I am rather a bit of a news junkie. I focus a lot of my reading towards politics and all that it involves. I read multiple news sources from various places and sources. So I would say considering all things, that while I am not as smart as some folks are, I think I can sum up our current economic and political messes in three words; Greed , Power,and stupidity.

Greed seems to be everywhere.Everything from the car you drive to your home is costing you a small fortune,I am not against making a profit but by the time you are done paying for these items you have actually payed upwards of 2 1/2 times what you had originally borrowed and ,at least as far as the car goes, it's worth almost nothing.

Wall street investors got greedy with your money as well. I don't make claims that I understand how all this works, but the way it has been explained to me, is that they made very risky investments, knowing full well that the whole thing could collapse on top of them but apparently they didn't care because the potential to make big bucks was just to tempting.It didn't work and they crashed taking a lot of other peoples money with them.

You ever wonder why they are so slow in even attempting to fix the mess in the gulf?
Greed. There is a lot of money to be made by moving slow and letting this disaster linger on. No matter who wins this mess, whether it's the oil companies or the president pushing his green agenda, you and I will lose. We will either have higher fuel prices or we will be forced into costly green technology for our cars and homes. Neither option, at least in my household, is affordable.

But it's more then just greed it's about power as well.

Look at what has happened since the time,just before the TARP bill came into play.
Our Federal government has taken over everything from the auto industry to insurance and is poised to take over the financial markets as well. It's supposed to be for our protection and good.We have been told that these industries and institutions are to big to fail and so for the good of all, the government needs to control them. Where is that written in the constitution? You know, the freedom from failure? and the right to have the Fed. bail you out? If you find it let me know.

To me it is little more then an excuse for the government to gain control of the economy. Don't believe it? Let me use my own examples and see if that gets your attention.
My car payment used to go to Wachovia. They went belly up and was taken over by Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo is now owned by the Fed.
My car it's self is made by GM. The Fed owns them as well.
My mortgage came from the VA through 1st Arkansas then sold to Bank of America which is also owned by the fed.
My paycheck comes from the VA, Fed again, along with over 50% ( I think the actual number is something like 52%) of the American people, whether they work for the government or just get benefits such as VA or Social Security etc.
The government owns and controls a massive amount of our economy and they are trying to get more. Read the news, regulations equal more control which equals higher costs to you and me. This isn't brain surgery, it's right out in the open.

This of course leads us to stupidity. Who's? Ours.
We have spent many years now ignoring or disbelieving the simple fact that the government is stripping away our freedoms and constitutional rights all in the name of security. They claim that they are protecting us from terrorists by allowing them to tap our phones,looking at our naked bodies at airports, or giving them access to our library records. For the good of the people,we allow all aspects of our privacy to be invaded and our Constitutional rights either disregarded or completely dismissed.
We have allowed our government to take over private companies and financial institutions, all on our dime, when they should have been allowed to fail.
We have bought into their lies, over and over again, that somehow all this is good for us and the nation. Worse yet, we continue to elect people who do the same things over and over. These life long politicians laugh us to scorn when we threaten them because they know that there are not enough of us paying attention to vote them out.

So there is my rather simple analysis of the whole mess we are in. Simple but no less true. If you want real change then remember in November.


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