Friday, October 8, 2010

Politics and Fear

I am a news junky. There. I have admitted it.I have been told that admitting you have a problem is the first step in healing. So there you have it I am a news junkie. Somedays I can't get enough of it. I will turn on my computer and start scouring the various news sources that I have and check out various links to other sources so that by the time the morning is over I am either confused as to what is actually going on or I am about to wet myself with all the bad news.

In fact I would say that the whole purpose of the news is to scare you to a certain degree. It sells a lot better then trying to make you think that things are full of Roses and sunshine.
Think about it, when was the last time that you picked up a paper or turned on you internet and saw headlines that were good? All wars have ended! Everyone is gainfully employed! The market is surging and we are all becoming wealthy! Disease has been eradicated!Famine is gone from the third world....I think you get the point.

We don't see that kind of news because it's not really based on reality. Sometimes someone will put a feel good piece about someone or a group of people doing some incredible thing but mostly the news has one purpose; That is to make you fear. If they can make you afraid they can manipulate your actions.They thrive on it.

Consider last fall and winter, we had a big flu pandemic! Hundreds of thousands were threatened with death. It was raging around the world and if you didn't get the shot, you were putting yourself at great risk. Turned out to be a lot less dangerous then even the regular flu, yet everyone jumped all over it and rushed out to get shots. Fear and it made you move.

The housing market has fallen apart and people are panicking, every time you hear about housing it's all bad. I know that it's a tough market I have had my house up for sale for awhile now, but the point is , is that they put fear into you to make you act.

Worse yet is our Liberties under attack. The media as well as our government has taken advantage of the situation of "terror attacks" and has hit us with all sorts of things that would invade our privacy.They have used fear to justify everything from seeing your naked body at the airport to tapping your phone or internet. The list of the things they are doing would take too long to write about, but the point here again is that fear was used as the motivator to get people to do what they wanted.

Now we have come upon election time and all people involved, particularly the two main parties, are using the very fears that they have instilled in you to make you even more afraid. It's hypocrisy at it's finest because they are both guilty of causing the problems that we have today.

They have made us afraid. Even as I write this, if I criticize the government for it's role in the current batch of insane ideas that they have, if I name names, I could find myself being the guest of the government in some undisclosed location for as long as they feel I need to be. Worse yet I could be shot and killed, and no reason has to be given.Is this the American dream? Is this the freedom of speech, or is it intimidation and fear?

Some of you reading this will say to me, "where is your proof of these things?"My response to you is "hello, news junkie!"

None of this is new. It's just easier to do today because of all the mass media that is available out there.

So just consider,as the election draws near, that the media and all those currently in office are the ones responsible for the fear and the mess. It's your call what you do with that knowledge. You can put the same batch of people back in office or you can do the really brave thing and get some new faces in there, people who are young enough and smart enough to actually think and believe that this country could once again become a beacon of hope and light to the world rather then a place of fear.
The power is in your hands, vote wisely.

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