Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Donkeys, Elephants and Change....

So everything changes, as of today, right?  I am actually writing this on Tuesday night and I haven't a clue who has won the majority and honestly, it doesn't matter to me. Why?  Because nothing is really changing.  Yes, we have all voted (yes I did vote), we have all done our civic duty.  We have listened to all the talking heads do all their pontificating and have watched all the powers that be spend all their time blaming the other guy for all the problems.  So what has changed as of today?  Nothing!  That's right, nothing.

We have possibly exchanged a bunch of Donkeys for a bunch of Elephants but it changes nothing.  Politics of blame and doing nothing will continue unabated and no one will really tackle the serious problems that are facing this country.  They are all a bunch of cowards and want nothing more than to be left alone in their careers as politicians.  If some of them would stand up for what they claim to believe and act accordingly, I would have hope, but alas, they are politicians and will sell their own mothers if it will benefit them or their party.  They don't care about us, just their party's power and their own political influence.  Unless of course you are in the banking industry, or the automotive, or Wall Street.....

There was a time when the people we elected actually represented their home districts and states.  But now, it seems to have shifted from them representing us, to them representing Washington to us, we have given up our power to them and they have sucked us dry.  So, tomorrow nothing changes.

Our involvement in foreign wars will not end tomorrow.  Not because they couldn't and not because we have any real reasons to be there, but because war is big business and the powers that be tend to profit from that.   We are still in Iraq, still in Afghanistan and now we are deeply involved in Pakistan!  Got to love that change.  But you know what?  Come tomorrow, nothing will change, because the same people, Donkeys and Elephants, will still be there.

Our massive debt won't be gone tomorrow either.  Again, the same people are still running the show and in fact, are looking for more ways to spend our money.  Oh, I know the Elephants have said that they are going to repeal everything under the sun, but do you really think that they will?  And if they do, they will just come up with their own versions of spending your great grand children's money.  Nothing has changed.

We are taxed and regulated to death.  I saw an article yesterday that stated that we have so many laws that the average American breaks at least a few of them every day . Our legislators pass laws and bills that are thousands of pages long and they haven't even read them.  We have laws in place that essentially kill small business owners because of the expenses involved and yet huge places such as Wal-Mart are hardly phased at all because, for them, the cost is minimal . Giant agribusinesses are putting small farmers out of business and all with the governments help.  They claim that all the regulations are for the good of the people and their safety.  Yet, the very huge agribusinesses are the ones who are breaking these laws and getting away with it, meanwhile the small farms are being put out of business because of the expense of trying to implement all these regulations.This will not change tomorrow either.

Our freedoms and rights to privacy have been attacked by both beasts and they are not showing any sign of letting up soon.  Go to an airport and refuse to go through the body scanner and see just how much freedom you have.  Go through a police check point and refuse to give your ID (I am speaking just random check points which are Gestapo like ) or even have the nerve to ask what you are being stopped for.  Try doing something as simple as getting a library card and you have to produce multiple forms of ID just to prove who you are. Then you have to sign papers explaining that the government can monitor what you read . Explain to me why the government needs to know what books you are reading. Let us not even get started on the internet and wire tapping. Did I mention all the security cameras? Can we say big brother? Worse yet, go to war, and be put on a Terrorist list because someone in a militia, which is constitutionally legal, might contact you.  Own a perfectly legal gun or join the wrong political activist group and your kids could be taken from you, and yes, this has happened.  These are but a few examples, and you know what?  Tomorrow nothing changes.

Certainly those that are in power, mostly of the Donkeys, have let their opinion be known as to how they view the average American, by ridiculing their concerns, ignoring them or calling them racists. Some have openly stated that they don't care about the constitution or they have tried to interpret it in some way other then what was intended. I have little doubt that, should the Elephants prevail, nothing will change except it will be them holding everyone in contempt.  I am really not trying to be cynical, but these critters make it easy to be so. I know that some of you have voted for your party for years and have very heartfelt positions.  I applaud you.  I really do.  But you need to understand that all of your leaders are making fools out of you, yes that's both Donkeys and Elephants, they are telling you what you want to hear and then they are flipping you off after they are elected.  This has gone on for a long time, through many elections and still, we keep acting like the idiots that they believe us to be, by voting them all back into office, somehow expecting different results.  Nothing is going to change, nothing has changed.

You want real change?  Lets talk about 2012 then......

Maybe not. Think I'll wait until the day after tomorrow to start that one......


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