Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Jewish Land 2

I think it can be said,with out a shadow of a doubt, that I am pro Israel to the point of being a Zionist.  I'm not sure that a non Jew can actually be a Zionist but I do believe that Israel is the rightful home of the Jewish people and that they have every right to take care of their own land in whatever way that they see fit.  It's not our place or the UN's place to tell them what they need to do any more then it would be for Israel to tell us what we should do with ours.

I have nothing against the so called Palestinians just their supposed leadership.  I say supposed because they are really holding their people hostage to their own prejudices and sadly are passing that on to future generations.  But I guess that is about where my sympathy ends.  They don't have to live like this, yet they choose to and some how that is Israel's fault. They could rise up and throw out all of Hamas, among others, and make it very clear that they want to have peace with Israel but instead the hide the terrorists and allow them to fire rockets and send out suicide bombers from there, this does not sound like a people looking for peace to me.

The news media in our country is real good at showing the Palestinians point of view any time there is some supposed atrocity going on , however they always seem to be absent when Israelis are hiding out in bomb shelters because they are being shelled again or when an innocent family is slaughtered, including a baby ,for no other reason then they are Jews.

I remember one time they were supposedly showing the IDF killing some kid in the middle of a firefight and it turned out that the whole think was a staged hoax, where was the American media then?  Or the guy who was hauled off on a stretcher in three different pictures from three different places.  What a bunch of hooey.
I have also seen pictures of the"horrible" conditions that they live under, they eat better then many here in the US do.  I  have seen their food markets chock full of fresh fruit and veggies along with many varieties of meat.  Some will say that they have to go through check points to get out of Gaza and go to other places to work, that they have to carry their papers with them. Let me ask you a question, how is that any different then here?  Here in the good old USA you can be detained and arrested if you don't have some sort of ID on you so I can't really see a difference, but more importantly who's fault is it that they have to go through all those check points?  I have never heard of a Jewish suicide bomber going into Gaza to blow things up or to try and kill teenagers on a bus.  No this has been brought upon them by their so called leadership and their own reluctance to be rid of them.

Have mistakes been made?  Certainly.  Could things be better?  Yes.  But it generally takes two sides to work out agreements.

Time and time again Israel has given up land and territory to have supposed peace, do they get the peace?  No!  Every Arab nation there  in the middle east ,including the Palestinians, have only one goal and that is the annihilation of the Jews.  It's in their media constantly, it's taught in their schools it's damn near a way of life for them. I you don't believe that this is true, just search the internet and you find all the evidence you need, providing of course you have the courage to do so, or better yet go to Israel and actually talk to people who live there, see it for yourself, then you can make an informed decision.

Show me one nation that wants peace with Israel that can't have it.  Israel simply wishes to exist and be left alone and be a place where all Jews have their homeland. I should point out here as well, that under Jewish rule everyone can practice their own religion, serve in the military and government. Women have full rights there unheard of in any Arab nation as well.

But for the sake of argument,lets just say that all the Jews decided that Israel was not worth their time any more any they decided to leave.  Who is going to take them?   Where could they go that they haven't been kicked out of over the centuries?  Sure many of them could come here but just how long do you think that would last before antisemitism sprang up here?  How long before someone would get it into their heads that our nations problems are caused by the Jews?  Some people already believe that, so that would make it worse.

The bottom line is that Israel is the home for the Jewish people and has been for thousands of years. Israel is only about the size of NJ so trying to split it up more with people bent on their destruction seems to me to be a very bad idea. If the Palestinians really want to live in Israel then all they have to do is stop all the killing, throw out all the terrorists and become Israeli citizens. Then they could come and go as they please and have all the rights that they claim that they don't have now. This isn't difficult if this is truly what they want.

For those of you who would suggest that I go there to live, if I am so passionate about Israel, I will say in closing, I will go as soon as it is possible for me to do so. Israel is the land of the Jews but it is truly the land of G-D because He gave it to them, so if I had to choose between this land and His..I'll take my chances with Israel.

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