Wednesday, September 21, 2011

One State Solution

Here is a simple solution to the Israeli/ Palestinian problem. It is so simple that I am sure no one will pay the least bit of attention to me. To simple, can't be done. That's what I expect to hear. Yet here in the United States we are living that solution. So knowing that it won't be very popular, here goes nothing...

How about a one state solution? Israel keeps it's borders and all the "Palestinians" become Israelis. It would work. We are living proof that it can work if everyone wants it too.

Look at us here in the United States. We are probably one of the most diverse nations on the planet and yet somehow we make this work. We are a nation of blacks and whites from various ancestries. We are Asian and Hispanic. We literally come from many different cultures and religions and yet , somehow, against all odds, we make this work. Why? Because we are united in one thing. We are all Americans, subject to the rights and privileges thereof. Are we perfect? Not even close. But if there is anything that can be learned from us is that despite our differences we make this nation work and it can work in Israel as well.

Why should there be two separate nations when the simple solution is to join together. The Jewish people have been there for 4,000 years and they are willing to accept the so called Palestinians as members of their society if they would simply stop all the terrorist activities and recognize that Israel has a right to exist. This is not difficult and I have heard various reports from Jews and Arabs alike, who are Israeli citizens , who say the same.

What or who ,after all, is a Palestinian? They are Jordanians, Syrians, Egyptians, amongst others as well as the Jewish people themselves, so why not become one people , one nation, rather then fighting about it? If the Arab peoples of that region are so upset about what they consider bad treatment of "Palestinians" that they support the two state solution, why have they never allowed for their kin to return home?

The "Palestinians" could have things much better then their Arab neighbors if they wanted it to be so and should toss out all their leaders who prevent them from doing so. We are a diverse people who have made it work and I believe that they could do the same. Israel wants peace and from what I have heard so do most of the common people in the Arab world. So the solution isn't two states. It is one state where they can show the world that it is possible for the Jewish and Arab peoples to get along.

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