Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Super Committee

Let me start off by saying straight out that I don't care for either of our major political parties. When I hear them speak, all I hear is differing versions of how they want to spend our money and what they want to spend it on, while blaming the other side for issues that both sides created and then deny ever having a part of. You need to know this lest you think that in the following commentary that I am picking on one party over another, I am not. The fault belongs to all.

When Obama was running for president he spent his time blaming Bush and the republicans for the budget mess, and certainly Bush had a hand in creating it ,but everyone forgets that from 2006 until 2010 the democrats controlled both the house and the senate and they did nothing to fix the budget or even pass a budget. But this mess didn't happen overnight, everyone from both parties have been complicit in this it has taken us years to get to this point.

Now, instead of doing the job that they were elected to do,in a clear violation of the constitution (See Article 1 section 7 paragraph 1 of the Constitution), they have handed off the responsibility to 12 people in what is being called a "Super Committee". These 12 people, 6 from either party, control the fate of everything from the military to social security. These 12 people literally control the fate of 310 million Americans and quite possibly the economic fates of the industrialized world.

What does anyone, setting aside the legality of the committee, really think is going to get accomplished ? These 12 people have been around for a long time and they are all a part of the original problem. It's like asking Jack the Ripper to babysit your sexy girlfriend and giving him a sharp knife. Worse yet is that anything that they decide won't effect them personally so they don't really have anything to lose, except for maybe an election, and perhaps that's the real truth behind all the indecision and lack of real budget passing.

If the House of Representatives , and the Senate, would do the job that they are constitutionally elected to do, they would make powerful people angry, and they would lose votes and possibly the next election and all the power that it entails, so it was easier for them to allow the formation of this committee. If the committee fails, the focus falls on them rather then those who should have fixed the budget in the first place. It all boils down to keeping control and power.

If you think I'm just guessing, take a cruise through cyber space looking for articles concerning the committee. You won't find many. And the ones that you do find are more interested in what the political fall out will be rather then what their decisions will do to the nation if not the world.

This is what I like to refer to as insanity. The fates of millions if not billions rests on the decisions of small group of very partisan people, who do not have the constitutional authority to make those decisions, just prior to an election cycle, and all any one can say about this is that the President may or may not get re-elected based on the outcome?!

Understand that anything that they come up with is likely to affect me personally. There has been much talk, mostly rumor for the moment, of everything from pay cuts for veterans to co-pay's for the services we receive from the VA and admittedly it makes me very nervous. But the bigger picture is that if they don't come up with something that is feasible and tangible for everyone, we are all go to pay heavily.

So as we get closer to the deadline, remember that the mainstream media is thinking elections, not people, and anything that the super committee decides will be a reflection on that, it has little to do with you and me, it has all to do with who has control at the end of next year.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Paranoid? I Hope So

I think I'm paranoid. Yup, I am almost certain of it. I guess it's something that can't be helped on my part when the powers that be make it so easy.
I have been reading a lot of posts and warnings in the last few months, talking about the EBS system that is going to be tested @2pm on Wednesday the 9th of November. I had kind of ignored it somewhat but today a friend of mine posted that her local TV station had announced it. They warned that it was going to affect all the TV stations and last for an unspecified amount of time but that it would be lengthy. In addition it will effect all radio and from what I have come to understand all internet as well, though I can't be certain at the moment on the internet part, so we will have in effect a total news blackout all across this country and possibly Canada as well. This troubles me.
On Sept.11, 2001 we were conducting simulations of a terrorist attack on this country and when the attacks happened for real, we were, in a proverbial sense anyhow, caught with our trousers down around our ankles. We didn't know if what was happening was real or simulated. It didn't take long to figure it out, but in the meantime serious damage had been done and our country was shaken to the core. Who actually did what to whom is a debate for another day but one thing is sure; everything that we had ever known was completely and fundamentally changed.
What happens on Wednesday? Perhaps it will be nothing more then then the a fore mentioned test, I don't know, but I can tell you that it makes me nervous to think that we will all be left in the dark for a while with no sources of information to be had. They , the government, could be doing anything during that time and we will not know it's happening and little to no way to find out even if we hear rumors. It would be a great time for them to round up everyone who has ever dissented or protested the government. Perhaps the Occupy folks might want to consider taking a day off, I don't really know, all I do know is that it makes me nervous. The other thing to consider is that if I know about it and others know about it, and we have a real enemy out there, they surely know about it. Whats to stop them from trying something then? The date all in itself is scary because it mirrors 9/11 (11/9) and in many ways the situation will be similar, no information and no one will know for sure whats happening.
So am I paranoid? I hope so. I hope that this is nothing more then a real test and that I am nervous for no reason. See you Thursday....I hope.

To Marines and all Veterans

I heard a statistic the other day that kind of surprised me. It said that 1.3 million veterans had served in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. At first I thought that this was a large number until I read further and they said that this only came out to less then one half of one percent of the entire population of the country. Count veterans, no longer serving, and I think you actually get close to that one half of a percent. To put this in another way 99.5% of our nations population have never served.

I find this statistic quite significant when you consider how much criticism is thrown at those who serve from various groups out there. I grew up during the Vietnam war and I saw how our returning vets were treated then, and had kind of hoped that we had learned, alas we have not. I can't begin to tell you how many articles I have read, concerning various veterans issues, where the commentaries were filled with people doing little more then being critical of all of us who have served. We have been called everything from baby killers to idiots, puppets of the New World Order or extreme right wing and even little more then cannon fodder. Amazing how such a large group of people can be so critical of the extremely small group of people who's very job is to see to it that the large group can actually have the right to insult us!

But that's OK, let them say what they will about us, just shows who the real idiots are.

The truth of the matter is that I have served with the best and the brightest in the world. Some of them may have thought that I felt otherwise at the time ,especially if I was screaming at them for something, but the fact of the matter I knew then , just as I know now, that these were and are the best this nation has to offer. Duty, Honor, and Commitment are more then just mere words to all of you that I have served with and have known. Most of you will get to the end of your lives knowing that in some small way that you made a difference and that your life actually meant something. You may not see it now but you will. To all of you "thank you" doesn't do it justice, especially in this time of war, but that is all I can offer you and ,sadly, is more then your likely to hear from the other 99.5% this week.

To my Marine Corp friends I want to take just a moment to wish you a happy birthday. We are a very unique family amongst warriors with strong traditions and history and to you I wish to send a hearty Semper Fi and to call you out to be recognized for your time and service.

WO George Thomas and Keisha, GySgt O'Hara ,GYSgt. Steve and Denette Bolton , all of whom are still serving, Happy Birthday.
Retired- Scott and April Thurston, Bijan Aleagha, USMC Happy Birthday
Honorably discharged: Scott Bodkin, Jay and Kim Horner,Les Marcue, Joshua Hogshead, David Conrad, Joie Cascella, Dylan Allander, Willam and Loretta Carr. Happy Birthday!

My other friends and family desrve to be recognized as well because they sacrificed them selves for our nation as well.
Airforce: Wayne Mckenny, Tiffany Bonnette
Coast Guard: Dan Enright
Army: David Lacy, Dani Parrish,Steve Wilson
Navy: Tim and Julie LaBonte

To all of you I wish to say thank you for your service. We may ,in time, be forgotten by others but hopefully we will never forget and continue to keep the faith with each other.
Semper Fi.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Return To Sexual Harassment.

Welcome back to the 1990's! Where sexual harassment and political correctness runs amok to the detriment of many a decent person... oh wait this isn't the 90's?! Well what is going on then? What is up with the accusations against Herman Cain? It's starting to sound like the redux of Bill Clinton and Clarence Thomas, no wonder I am so confused.

I am not a republican. In fact, I have no political affiliation at all, though I would say libertarian best describes me. This post has little to do with politics. Instead, I am going to focus on the mere accusation of sexual harassment and it's results.

During the early 90's I worked for an institution that took care of mentally disabled adults and children. We were a private organization but those in charge at the time, were very liberal, very politically correct and I enjoyed most of my time working there. During my time we had 2 cases of sexual harassment that came up that really opened my eyes to what sort of damage can be done by just the mere accusation. All Names have been changed but the stories themselves are true to the best of my memory.

Paul was a young man of about 30 who loved his job. He was the kind of guy who would work extra hours or bring residents home for the holidays, pretty much anything, just so he could help. This was not an ego trip for him, this was just the kind of person he was. He was one of those kind of people that you could depend on. Then he was accused of sexual harassment by a female resident suggesting that he had made sexual advances at her. All of us who worked with him knew that this was a bunch of bull. Not because she was mentally handicapped, no. He was Gay. He wasn't an inside the closet gay man, no, he brought his boyfriend to work related events and made no bones about who he was and he was accepted by all. But because the accusation had been made it had to be investigated and his reputation in Human Services was ruined from that point on. When the investigators were done he was cleared but the charge, the mere accusation, will always be on his work record and he wound up leaving the line of work he loved.

The second case was a bit more personal because I was involved in it. I wasn't accused but I was the supervisor of the two people in question.

The girl, who I will call Maria, was a very good looking woman and could easily catch the attention of any of the men there. One young man, whom I will call Bob, was particularly taken with her and as things would have it they started dating. I had to put them in different buildings during working hours so that there wouldn't be a conflict at work, but as things tend to happen their personal life came into play at work. After they had had a rather nasty argument they showed up to work, she came to me, and accused him of sexual harassment. Honestly, I didn't see how she could justify that claim, but because I was the supervisor, I sent him home and made my report. When my boss came in in the morning, I told her what had happened and she made her report. It turned out that it was a good thing that I took notes, as did my boss, because after the investigation showed no credible evidence, Maria sued the man and the institution that I worked for. Her claims were that we didn't take it seriously enough and that he had caused her psychological damage. Our paperwork and notes clearly showed that we had taken it seriously and had followed procedures exactly as we were supposed to, but the damage had been done. Nothing was ever proven, but just the mere accusation had destroyed Bob, and had seriously hurt the reputation of the place where I was working.

Is this the kind of thing that we are going to return to? Mere accusations without proof? I am not suggesting that real sexual harassment cases don't exist, they do, but usually they are brought to light when they happen and not 10 or 20 years down the road.

Truly it never ceases to amaze me the timing and politics of all these accusations. With Bill Clinton, it wasn't really until it became clear that he was a serious contender, that the accusations of sexual harassment began to fly, granted that in the end much of it was proven, but the timing was incredible, and despite the fact that the budget was balanced, he will always be remembered for what he was accused of rather then what he did. I had never even heard of Clarence Thomas until he was accused of sexual harassment, which was never proven, during his confirmation hearing. And for him as well, he will always be remembered for the accusation against him, rather then what he does as a justice. Now it's Herman Cain's turn. All of them top dogs, all of it timed, so it appears, to take them down.

I don't know Herman Cain, no more then any other politician, I can't say as I agree with him, politically speaking, on everything, but don't you think it's time that we come up with another way of bringing down a political foe then sexual harassment, without proof? He may be guilty, as was Bill Clinton, but I would think that we would have finally come to a place in time where we would demand the proof before we just assume that the accusations are fact but with the media being what it is I guess that would be too much to ask.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Joy Of November

I love November. I like the fall in general but in my mind there is really something special about November that far surpasses all the other months combined. The end of September the fall officially begins but with it comes the beginning of the school year and all the madness it entails. October is usually pretty good with all the leaves changing color and the change in temperatures, but really there is something just completely special about November, that when it comes, brings a sigh to my mind and rejoicing in my heart.

November is a special month. Most of the leaves are gone off the trees and the days are generally much cooler, but it's almost as if nature pauses for just a few weeks and allows us to relax a bit.The squirrels are busy gathering the fallen acorns and the birds and chipmunks are hanging out at the feeders, there is the smell of wood smoke in the air and you can hear the leaves rustle in the trees as the deer move through the woods, and all the leaves have that satisfying crunch or swishing sound as you walk on old dirt roads. If you walk by some houses you are likely to smell the Cinnamon smell of apple pies and pumpkin as people prepare to have families come for Thanksgiving. Perhaps that is the greatest joy of them all for this month. This is the time of year that we really start to appreciate just what we have in life and the ways that G-D has blessed us. This is the time of year when we think of family and friends and we make plans to celebrate this great bounty together. This is also the time of year when we start to think of others who are less fortunate then ourselves and small ways that we might be able to help someone, who has nothing, at least enjoy blessings for one day.

I suppose it can be argued that every time of year has it's own beauty but for me there is nothing quite like the middle part of the fall. Perhaps it's because in some ways I have approached that time of my life and despite everything I kind of like it. The winter of old age is still a ways off and the spring and summers of my youth are but pleasant memories, and I have finally reached that place where I prefer that which is simple to complex much like what this time of year offers.
An author, who's name escapes me at the moment, wrote this about fall but I'd like to think he was talking about November." Fall comes in like and old friend, takes off his shoes and stays for awhile, telling stories of places he's been and the things that he has seen." I guess that's how I see fall and November in particular, not as a time to fret over the winter that is to come, but a time to rejoice over the simplicity and beauty of this time of year and of life.

So I hope that as we enter into the Thanksgiving holiday time, that you will take a moment to really appreciate this time of the year and remember all the blessings that G-D has bestowed on you over the last year.