Monday, November 7, 2011

Paranoid? I Hope So

I think I'm paranoid. Yup, I am almost certain of it. I guess it's something that can't be helped on my part when the powers that be make it so easy.
I have been reading a lot of posts and warnings in the last few months, talking about the EBS system that is going to be tested @2pm on Wednesday the 9th of November. I had kind of ignored it somewhat but today a friend of mine posted that her local TV station had announced it. They warned that it was going to affect all the TV stations and last for an unspecified amount of time but that it would be lengthy. In addition it will effect all radio and from what I have come to understand all internet as well, though I can't be certain at the moment on the internet part, so we will have in effect a total news blackout all across this country and possibly Canada as well. This troubles me.
On Sept.11, 2001 we were conducting simulations of a terrorist attack on this country and when the attacks happened for real, we were, in a proverbial sense anyhow, caught with our trousers down around our ankles. We didn't know if what was happening was real or simulated. It didn't take long to figure it out, but in the meantime serious damage had been done and our country was shaken to the core. Who actually did what to whom is a debate for another day but one thing is sure; everything that we had ever known was completely and fundamentally changed.
What happens on Wednesday? Perhaps it will be nothing more then then the a fore mentioned test, I don't know, but I can tell you that it makes me nervous to think that we will all be left in the dark for a while with no sources of information to be had. They , the government, could be doing anything during that time and we will not know it's happening and little to no way to find out even if we hear rumors. It would be a great time for them to round up everyone who has ever dissented or protested the government. Perhaps the Occupy folks might want to consider taking a day off, I don't really know, all I do know is that it makes me nervous. The other thing to consider is that if I know about it and others know about it, and we have a real enemy out there, they surely know about it. Whats to stop them from trying something then? The date all in itself is scary because it mirrors 9/11 (11/9) and in many ways the situation will be similar, no information and no one will know for sure whats happening.
So am I paranoid? I hope so. I hope that this is nothing more then a real test and that I am nervous for no reason. See you Thursday....I hope.

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