Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Super Committee

Let me start off by saying straight out that I don't care for either of our major political parties. When I hear them speak, all I hear is differing versions of how they want to spend our money and what they want to spend it on, while blaming the other side for issues that both sides created and then deny ever having a part of. You need to know this lest you think that in the following commentary that I am picking on one party over another, I am not. The fault belongs to all.

When Obama was running for president he spent his time blaming Bush and the republicans for the budget mess, and certainly Bush had a hand in creating it ,but everyone forgets that from 2006 until 2010 the democrats controlled both the house and the senate and they did nothing to fix the budget or even pass a budget. But this mess didn't happen overnight, everyone from both parties have been complicit in this it has taken us years to get to this point.

Now, instead of doing the job that they were elected to do,in a clear violation of the constitution (See Article 1 section 7 paragraph 1 of the Constitution), they have handed off the responsibility to 12 people in what is being called a "Super Committee". These 12 people, 6 from either party, control the fate of everything from the military to social security. These 12 people literally control the fate of 310 million Americans and quite possibly the economic fates of the industrialized world.

What does anyone, setting aside the legality of the committee, really think is going to get accomplished ? These 12 people have been around for a long time and they are all a part of the original problem. It's like asking Jack the Ripper to babysit your sexy girlfriend and giving him a sharp knife. Worse yet is that anything that they decide won't effect them personally so they don't really have anything to lose, except for maybe an election, and perhaps that's the real truth behind all the indecision and lack of real budget passing.

If the House of Representatives , and the Senate, would do the job that they are constitutionally elected to do, they would make powerful people angry, and they would lose votes and possibly the next election and all the power that it entails, so it was easier for them to allow the formation of this committee. If the committee fails, the focus falls on them rather then those who should have fixed the budget in the first place. It all boils down to keeping control and power.

If you think I'm just guessing, take a cruise through cyber space looking for articles concerning the committee. You won't find many. And the ones that you do find are more interested in what the political fall out will be rather then what their decisions will do to the nation if not the world.

This is what I like to refer to as insanity. The fates of millions if not billions rests on the decisions of small group of very partisan people, who do not have the constitutional authority to make those decisions, just prior to an election cycle, and all any one can say about this is that the President may or may not get re-elected based on the outcome?!

Understand that anything that they come up with is likely to affect me personally. There has been much talk, mostly rumor for the moment, of everything from pay cuts for veterans to co-pay's for the services we receive from the VA and admittedly it makes me very nervous. But the bigger picture is that if they don't come up with something that is feasible and tangible for everyone, we are all go to pay heavily.

So as we get closer to the deadline, remember that the mainstream media is thinking elections, not people, and anything that the super committee decides will be a reflection on that, it has little to do with you and me, it has all to do with who has control at the end of next year.

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