Thursday, December 29, 2011

End of 2011

So here we are at the end of 2011. This year will go down in the record books for everything from record storms to record spending. The Iraq war has come to an end, though we are still fighting in other parts of the world, the presidential race is in full swing and millions are still without work. Meanwhile our president gets to spend 4 million to have the holidays in Hawaii and Nancy Pelosi spends $10,000 a night on a posh hotel.

A report came out this week pointing out that the average congressperson is making over 50 times that of the average household and over the last 20 years their actual worth has tripled while ours has gone down. The price of everything under the sun has gone up.

Government people on both sides of the aisle are pandering so much to the far fringes of their respective parties that our economy is in danger of total collapse because no one will compromise on anything.

The patriot act was reinforced with new measures that can allow you to be detained indefinitely on nothing more then mere suspicion. Now not only can you be searched randomly at the airport you can get it on the bus/ train and while your at a rest stop on the highway. In short you are now the enemy the government fears.....

The list of things could go on but this really isn't the point.

When this New Year celebration is over and politics is in full swing once again, you are going to be asked to make a choice. Before you make that choice you need to ask yourself a few questions. #1 Am I better off then I was before Jan. 2009 or worse. How about my friends and neighbors? #2 Is our country and our economy any better off? #3 Do you have more or less freedoms and liberties then you once had, you may need to actually read the Constitution for that answer and then compare it to new laws and regulations. #4 Are the people currently in office or those running really representing you and me and do they really understand what is going on out here in the real world?

I can answer the questions only for myself #1 I am by far worse off, some of it is my own responsibility, and I take ownership of that fact, but I didn't ruin the economy and cause the cost of everything to sky rocket. I don't know anyone who is not scrambling to make ends meet.

#2 The stock market goes up and down but it doesn't do a thing for the millions not working. You can't continue spending when there is nothing left to spend, that's called simple math.

#3 I have read the bills that have been passed and the amendments that have gone with them and all I can say is we are only the land of the free if the government allows it. Everything from your right to peaceably assemble and freedom of speech to your privacy has been under attack. Very quietly and, with the help of most of the media, under the radar, but it has been there. Your freedom is only an illusion.

#4 Christmas in Hawaii? Ten Thousand a night for a posh hotel room? Making 50 times what you and I do, (insider trading) and their personal worth continues to go up, while ours go down? Enough said.

I am not telling you who to vote for. I despise both major parties and believe that they are nothing more then differing wings with the same intent. But these are things that you need to really ask yourself before you vote.

One other thing though, before you vote, know who it is that you are voting for. I watched in total disbelief as people were interviewed during the last presidential election and they didn't know who was who or what it was that they stood for and yet they were there to vote. I don't care if they are pretty or speak well or what their ethnic background is. Research what they support based not only on their rhetoric but on their actual votes or lack thereof. Character does matter. Only support those who take "defending the constitution of the United States" seriously.

Seems that many, if not most, don't take the oath seriously, If they as our representatives won't do that then they don't need to be elected. That includes the president.
Choose wisely.

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