Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Iowa Doesn't Matter?? Really ??

I admittedly do not understand a lot of things about politics. To me most of the problems have rather simple solutions and the real problem is finding people with the guts enough to actually act on those simple solutions. Most of you understand this because you have to take care of business at home and so you understand the basics of what the folks in DC don't seem to grasp.
Now that we have entered into January the full political campaign season is well underway and, with the Iowa caucus now being over, the true main stream media bias has kicked in as well. If it was not so blatant it would almost be amusing.
By now most of you know the results, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum in a tie, with Ron Paul coming in a very respectable third. Yet you would be hard pressed to find anyone in the MSM who finds this as being relevant. Ron Paul easily beat three other candidates who had much more money power and air time, and came close to tying with the top two, and yet he is virtually ignored. In fact I heard many a commentator claim that Iowa really doesn't mean anything anyhow, so the results really don't matter. This is where the BS factor comes in.
First consider Rick Santorum. Who would have thought that he would come from the bottom of the pile to give Mitt a run for his money? He only lost by 8 votes. If this was a general election they would have had to do a recount. That doesn't mean anything? Then Ron Paul gets 22 percent of the vote after being disregarded by the MSM as being unimportant or, worse yet, a crackpot, yet some how he manages to resonate with enough people to come in a respectable third. This is not important?
I am not a Republican nor a Democrat, as I have said on many occasions. I said in the beginning I don't claim to understand all the nuances of politics but to me the idea that somehow this isn't important tells me just how badly the republican party and the MSM misunderstand the people of America and just what it is they are looking for.
Let me see if I can put this simply enough for the MSM and the powers that be to understand. They are looking for real leadership. They are looking for someone who will do as they say and not play political double speech. They want somebody to not only recognize that there is a problem in DC but someone who is willing to put their political money where there rhetoric is. They want leadership that will actually follow the constitution and bill of rights instead of ignoring and destroying it for political gain or for some special interest groups. This is not difficult to understand.
President Obama understood that this is what the people were looking for, so he played that to the hilt, and won huge. These are still the things that the American people are looking for. Obama, for all his rhetoric ,didn't deliver, so this is why the proverbial underdogs are being voted for. Most people want real change.
So to suggest that somehow these results are insignificant begs some questions ; what is it that the political talking heads and MSM from both political parties so afraid of? What are they going to say if this continues on into New Hampshire and other states? Is it only going to count and matter when it's the party favorite or media darling that wins?
I know that this is but one caucus and there is a long way to go yet, and who knows how the political winds will shift, but you can't afford to ignore the results just because they are not the results you wanted or were expecting. That's just my simple minded sense.

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