Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Oklahoma And Sharia Law

Today I am afraid. I am not afraid for me exactly. I am afraid for you. I am afraid for your children and mine and for the generations to come.

The reason that I am afraid is because we are stupid. Yes ,I said stupid, and yes I included myself in this. Never, in known world history, has a nation of people been so ignorant and totally bent on their own destruction as we are. Today it became evident to me just how bent on that destruction we are.

In Oklahoma a Federal Judge ruled that the state cannot bar the use of Sharia law or other international laws when a court is deciding on a case. This is patently absurd. Here in the United States we have our own laws and our own Constitution to follow, we don't don't need other nations or religious laws to supersede, or to be used in place of, our own. This is little more then political correctness run amok.

Some of you might be thinking that I am prejudiced against Islam or the Muslim community. I am not. But we don't need their religious law to even be considered. What is truly scary is that some of you who will undoubtedly embrace this idea would become some of it's first victims if it ever was fully used here in the US. Lets have a look shall we?

To my gay friends and family, do you want to be hanged or stoned to death for being gay? I have seen it happen and it's acceptable under Sharia and other Muslim religious laws. How about you who might cheat on your spouse? It's wrong to do so, but should you be dragged out in your underwear and stoned to death because of it? I am not giving you hearsay, this what I have seen, these are the things that make up my nightmares. How about if you fall in love with someone that your family doesn't approve of? Should they have the right to cut your head off because of "family honor ?" I saw a couple get stoned to death for that. How about it ladies do you want to walk several paces behind your husband in a Burqa and if your caught even looking at a man who is not family you can be killed or at the least beaten? These are facts. This is what happens when Sharia is enforced. How about it parents, do you want the religious police to arrest your daughters to check them for virginity? Or for her to whipped for being the victim of a gang rape? How about it my Christian and Jewish brothers and sisters, do you want to forced to convert or be killed for not doing so?

All of the above scenarios happen everyday in Islamic countries, some I have witnessed,others I have seen via the internet and news, all of it makes me afraid for this nation.

So let us then take this to it's next logical conclusion. If we can use Sharia law along with other international law when deciding cases, then we should be able to use all all the laws that are found within the Judeo - Christian scriptures as well. That is 613 laws for the record, not just the better known 10. This of course won't ever happen because it's politically correct to attack Jews and Christians not embrace them. Not to mention that if you don't follow those laws their followers aren't likely going to try and kill you. No ,Instead we would rather have laws followed by and written by people who have made it very clear that their intent is to destroy us and to control the world. We are stupid. They are using our own laws against us and someday we are going to pay a heavy price for it.

It really shouldn't surprise me that a Federal judge would rule this way. They have spent the last 20 years or so destroying the constitution, ruling from the bench their own personal opinions rather then ruling based on the constitution, and with the help of the last few administrations, ignoring common sense in favor of corporations and political correctness.

We should not be changing our laws to accommodate Islam. If Islam wants to be in this country then they need to follow our laws and customs. If not they can go back to their countries of origin and take their Sharia law with them. Its that simple.

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