Imagine waking up in a world that is different then the one you went to sleep in. Not in huge ways, but in little ways. The bed sheets are different, the curtains are blue when you remember them being green the night before. You go to work, only to discover that your department is in another building then the one you had always gone to and that you are the manager, whereas yesterday you had just been a part of the staff. You go home sick and confused because you know something isn't right, and waiting for you is a spouse that you don't remember having, yet she is the sweetheart that you had in high school. Sounds kind of freaky doesn't it? How about getting off of a plane in a country that you have visited many times only to be told that your passport is no good because the country it's from doesn't exist and as far as they know, never existed. Yet, you know it's real, you can see it in your mind, you have money in your wallet from that nation and even your driver's license says that you are, yet no one has ever heard of the place.
What would you do if you found yourself in that situation? The people I read about, and there were more then just the two, are understandably upset. People are telling them that they are crazy and confused. Yet, in all these cases the people who are experiencing this will insist that this is really happening to them, that they have some how shifted into an alternate or parallel universe.
I read these two stories from an alternative news sight that has everything from normal news, if there is such a thing anymore, to out right weird and all points in between. I don't claim that these stories are true (I did change some of the details and left out names though I stayed true to the intent) but the idea "Intersecting Alternate Realities" really fascinates me.
The basic concept, very simply put, suggests that every decision that we make or don't make happens in an alternate universe, and because we have so many decisions that we make every day that the alternates realities just go on and on. It is also suggested that from time to time some of these alternates intersect with each other causing these anomalies to happen and people get moved from one to the other, not everyone mind you, but just people in the right place and time. Now, before you dismiss this as just being totally insane, understand that Quantum Physics says that all this is mathematically possible.
Now to the point. I wonder to myself how many of us go through our lives wishing that we were living in an alternate reality. We spend a lot of time looking backwards and regretting decisions that we made many years ago and then pondering what life might have been like if we had decided differently. I can use my self as an example. What would have happened if I had gone to college instead of going into the military? Or a trade school?
First off, I wouldn't have been in the Iraq war dealing with consequences both physically and mentally but then I likely would not have married my wife either. She was 5 years behind me in school and while we were all a part of the same religious persuasion, and we would have likely have gone to the same college, because I was so far ahead of her I would have likely gotten together with someone else and our paths might have crossed but not in the same way. By joining the military when I did, it set the stage for us to meet via mutual friends and here we are now with 22 years of being together, 21 of them married and the 5 years of difference doesn't matter.
Here is another thought; you might be where you are because G-D knows that you can handle it. I was complaining one day about my physical condition to a Rabbi friend and he suggested to me that I was in this position because G-D knows that I can handle it and make some good come from it. That blew me away. Take something that is painful and down right humbling at times and use it for good? I had never even considered that thought before. So it could be said for all of us, perhaps rather then wishing we were elsewhere in time and place we could look and decide for our self to make this time and place a little better.
Then think about what would happen if you weren't here or had never been. Most of us go through our lives never really knowing how much we affect others around us, that's partially because we don't generally let others know how much we appreciate them until we are at their funerals, but I also think it's because life comes at us so fast that we simply miss the influence we have. In the movie "Its A Wonderful Life" George Bailey gets a chance to see just how much his life has impacted others after he declares that it would have been better if he hadn't been born. Every thing from his brother drowning, thus causing a bunch of soldiers to die on a troop transport years later, to his wife becoming a old maid, and his home town becoming a bad place to be was shown to him, and it all happened because he hadn't been born. He returns to this life in no less trouble but he sees his life from a much different perspective.
None of us are likely to be as lucky as he was and get the chance to see what it would be like without us, so it is up to us to live the life that G-D has given us to the fullest. The formula is for it is actually quite easy. Love G-D and Love people. You do those two things and you probably won't want to be elsewhere in time or space.
The people that I mentioned in the beginning, according to the story, are not very happy campers. If it is true that they have been removed from their time and space it is also just as understandable that they wish to go back, so be careful what you wish for or you may wake up one day wondering who changed the curtains.....
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Oklahoma And Sharia Law
Today I am afraid. I am not afraid for me exactly. I am afraid for you. I am afraid for your children and mine and for the generations to come.
The reason that I am afraid is because we are stupid. Yes ,I said stupid, and yes I included myself in this. Never, in known world history, has a nation of people been so ignorant and totally bent on their own destruction as we are. Today it became evident to me just how bent on that destruction we are.
In Oklahoma a Federal Judge ruled that the state cannot bar the use of Sharia law or other international laws when a court is deciding on a case. This is patently absurd. Here in the United States we have our own laws and our own Constitution to follow, we don't don't need other nations or religious laws to supersede, or to be used in place of, our own. This is little more then political correctness run amok.
Some of you might be thinking that I am prejudiced against Islam or the Muslim community. I am not. But we don't need their religious law to even be considered. What is truly scary is that some of you who will undoubtedly embrace this idea would become some of it's first victims if it ever was fully used here in the US. Lets have a look shall we?
To my gay friends and family, do you want to be hanged or stoned to death for being gay? I have seen it happen and it's acceptable under Sharia and other Muslim religious laws. How about you who might cheat on your spouse? It's wrong to do so, but should you be dragged out in your underwear and stoned to death because of it? I am not giving you hearsay, this what I have seen, these are the things that make up my nightmares. How about if you fall in love with someone that your family doesn't approve of? Should they have the right to cut your head off because of "family honor ?" I saw a couple get stoned to death for that. How about it ladies do you want to walk several paces behind your husband in a Burqa and if your caught even looking at a man who is not family you can be killed or at the least beaten? These are facts. This is what happens when Sharia is enforced. How about it parents, do you want the religious police to arrest your daughters to check them for virginity? Or for her to whipped for being the victim of a gang rape? How about it my Christian and Jewish brothers and sisters, do you want to forced to convert or be killed for not doing so?
All of the above scenarios happen everyday in Islamic countries, some I have witnessed,others I have seen via the internet and news, all of it makes me afraid for this nation.
So let us then take this to it's next logical conclusion. If we can use Sharia law along with other international law when deciding cases, then we should be able to use all all the laws that are found within the Judeo - Christian scriptures as well. That is 613 laws for the record, not just the better known 10. This of course won't ever happen because it's politically correct to attack Jews and Christians not embrace them. Not to mention that if you don't follow those laws their followers aren't likely going to try and kill you. No ,Instead we would rather have laws followed by and written by people who have made it very clear that their intent is to destroy us and to control the world. We are stupid. They are using our own laws against us and someday we are going to pay a heavy price for it.
It really shouldn't surprise me that a Federal judge would rule this way. They have spent the last 20 years or so destroying the constitution, ruling from the bench their own personal opinions rather then ruling based on the constitution, and with the help of the last few administrations, ignoring common sense in favor of corporations and political correctness.
We should not be changing our laws to accommodate Islam. If Islam wants to be in this country then they need to follow our laws and customs. If not they can go back to their countries of origin and take their Sharia law with them. Its that simple.
The reason that I am afraid is because we are stupid. Yes ,I said stupid, and yes I included myself in this. Never, in known world history, has a nation of people been so ignorant and totally bent on their own destruction as we are. Today it became evident to me just how bent on that destruction we are.
In Oklahoma a Federal Judge ruled that the state cannot bar the use of Sharia law or other international laws when a court is deciding on a case. This is patently absurd. Here in the United States we have our own laws and our own Constitution to follow, we don't don't need other nations or religious laws to supersede, or to be used in place of, our own. This is little more then political correctness run amok.
Some of you might be thinking that I am prejudiced against Islam or the Muslim community. I am not. But we don't need their religious law to even be considered. What is truly scary is that some of you who will undoubtedly embrace this idea would become some of it's first victims if it ever was fully used here in the US. Lets have a look shall we?
To my gay friends and family, do you want to be hanged or stoned to death for being gay? I have seen it happen and it's acceptable under Sharia and other Muslim religious laws. How about you who might cheat on your spouse? It's wrong to do so, but should you be dragged out in your underwear and stoned to death because of it? I am not giving you hearsay, this what I have seen, these are the things that make up my nightmares. How about if you fall in love with someone that your family doesn't approve of? Should they have the right to cut your head off because of "family honor ?" I saw a couple get stoned to death for that. How about it ladies do you want to walk several paces behind your husband in a Burqa and if your caught even looking at a man who is not family you can be killed or at the least beaten? These are facts. This is what happens when Sharia is enforced. How about it parents, do you want the religious police to arrest your daughters to check them for virginity? Or for her to whipped for being the victim of a gang rape? How about it my Christian and Jewish brothers and sisters, do you want to forced to convert or be killed for not doing so?
All of the above scenarios happen everyday in Islamic countries, some I have witnessed,others I have seen via the internet and news, all of it makes me afraid for this nation.
So let us then take this to it's next logical conclusion. If we can use Sharia law along with other international law when deciding cases, then we should be able to use all all the laws that are found within the Judeo - Christian scriptures as well. That is 613 laws for the record, not just the better known 10. This of course won't ever happen because it's politically correct to attack Jews and Christians not embrace them. Not to mention that if you don't follow those laws their followers aren't likely going to try and kill you. No ,Instead we would rather have laws followed by and written by people who have made it very clear that their intent is to destroy us and to control the world. We are stupid. They are using our own laws against us and someday we are going to pay a heavy price for it.
It really shouldn't surprise me that a Federal judge would rule this way. They have spent the last 20 years or so destroying the constitution, ruling from the bench their own personal opinions rather then ruling based on the constitution, and with the help of the last few administrations, ignoring common sense in favor of corporations and political correctness.
We should not be changing our laws to accommodate Islam. If Islam wants to be in this country then they need to follow our laws and customs. If not they can go back to their countries of origin and take their Sharia law with them. Its that simple.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Iowa Doesn't Matter?? Really ??
I admittedly do not understand a lot of things about politics. To me most of the problems have rather simple solutions and the real problem is finding people with the guts enough to actually act on those simple solutions. Most of you understand this because you have to take care of business at home and so you understand the basics of what the folks in DC don't seem to grasp.
Now that we have entered into January the full political campaign season is well underway and, with the Iowa caucus now being over, the true main stream media bias has kicked in as well. If it was not so blatant it would almost be amusing.
By now most of you know the results, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum in a tie, with Ron Paul coming in a very respectable third. Yet you would be hard pressed to find anyone in the MSM who finds this as being relevant. Ron Paul easily beat three other candidates who had much more money power and air time, and came close to tying with the top two, and yet he is virtually ignored. In fact I heard many a commentator claim that Iowa really doesn't mean anything anyhow, so the results really don't matter. This is where the BS factor comes in.
First consider Rick Santorum. Who would have thought that he would come from the bottom of the pile to give Mitt a run for his money? He only lost by 8 votes. If this was a general election they would have had to do a recount. That doesn't mean anything? Then Ron Paul gets 22 percent of the vote after being disregarded by the MSM as being unimportant or, worse yet, a crackpot, yet some how he manages to resonate with enough people to come in a respectable third. This is not important?
I am not a Republican nor a Democrat, as I have said on many occasions. I said in the beginning I don't claim to understand all the nuances of politics but to me the idea that somehow this isn't important tells me just how badly the republican party and the MSM misunderstand the people of America and just what it is they are looking for.
Let me see if I can put this simply enough for the MSM and the powers that be to understand. They are looking for real leadership. They are looking for someone who will do as they say and not play political double speech. They want somebody to not only recognize that there is a problem in DC but someone who is willing to put their political money where there rhetoric is. They want leadership that will actually follow the constitution and bill of rights instead of ignoring and destroying it for political gain or for some special interest groups. This is not difficult to understand.
President Obama understood that this is what the people were looking for, so he played that to the hilt, and won huge. These are still the things that the American people are looking for. Obama, for all his rhetoric ,didn't deliver, so this is why the proverbial underdogs are being voted for. Most people want real change.
So to suggest that somehow these results are insignificant begs some questions ; what is it that the political talking heads and MSM from both political parties so afraid of? What are they going to say if this continues on into New Hampshire and other states? Is it only going to count and matter when it's the party favorite or media darling that wins?
I know that this is but one caucus and there is a long way to go yet, and who knows how the political winds will shift, but you can't afford to ignore the results just because they are not the results you wanted or were expecting. That's just my simple minded sense.
Now that we have entered into January the full political campaign season is well underway and, with the Iowa caucus now being over, the true main stream media bias has kicked in as well. If it was not so blatant it would almost be amusing.
By now most of you know the results, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum in a tie, with Ron Paul coming in a very respectable third. Yet you would be hard pressed to find anyone in the MSM who finds this as being relevant. Ron Paul easily beat three other candidates who had much more money power and air time, and came close to tying with the top two, and yet he is virtually ignored. In fact I heard many a commentator claim that Iowa really doesn't mean anything anyhow, so the results really don't matter. This is where the BS factor comes in.
First consider Rick Santorum. Who would have thought that he would come from the bottom of the pile to give Mitt a run for his money? He only lost by 8 votes. If this was a general election they would have had to do a recount. That doesn't mean anything? Then Ron Paul gets 22 percent of the vote after being disregarded by the MSM as being unimportant or, worse yet, a crackpot, yet some how he manages to resonate with enough people to come in a respectable third. This is not important?
I am not a Republican nor a Democrat, as I have said on many occasions. I said in the beginning I don't claim to understand all the nuances of politics but to me the idea that somehow this isn't important tells me just how badly the republican party and the MSM misunderstand the people of America and just what it is they are looking for.
Let me see if I can put this simply enough for the MSM and the powers that be to understand. They are looking for real leadership. They are looking for someone who will do as they say and not play political double speech. They want somebody to not only recognize that there is a problem in DC but someone who is willing to put their political money where there rhetoric is. They want leadership that will actually follow the constitution and bill of rights instead of ignoring and destroying it for political gain or for some special interest groups. This is not difficult to understand.
President Obama understood that this is what the people were looking for, so he played that to the hilt, and won huge. These are still the things that the American people are looking for. Obama, for all his rhetoric ,didn't deliver, so this is why the proverbial underdogs are being voted for. Most people want real change.
So to suggest that somehow these results are insignificant begs some questions ; what is it that the political talking heads and MSM from both political parties so afraid of? What are they going to say if this continues on into New Hampshire and other states? Is it only going to count and matter when it's the party favorite or media darling that wins?
I know that this is but one caucus and there is a long way to go yet, and who knows how the political winds will shift, but you can't afford to ignore the results just because they are not the results you wanted or were expecting. That's just my simple minded sense.
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