Wednesday, June 13, 2012

More Americans Incarcerated..

It has been said that here in America we have the most people in prison than any other civilized nation in the world. I have heard all sorts of various reasons for it, such as ,where you grew up or your income level or your education as being at least a part of the reason. While some of this is certainly true, have you ever wondered why it is that there has been such an increase over the last few decades?  I have some thoughts as to why, though I suspect that there are many who will scoff or consider me foolish, but I really think that some of these ideas might be worth considering.
My first thought is an easy one. We have too many laws and regulations. I watched a report, by John Stossel , that pointed out that there is something to the effect of 80,000 new laws passed every year, nationwide, that there are so many in fact, that most people are breaking the law every day, whether or not they realize it, and could be jailed for it. He proved his point by trying to open a Lemonade stand, in New York city, and showing all the myriads of rules you have to follow to be compliant with the law before you do something as simple as that.
Here is another thought, could it be that some of the reasons are that we have forgotten who we are? On a personal level, when I was a kid, your name and reputation meant everything.  If you wanted to get anywhere in life you had to keep that clean in order to succeed. If you started to screw things up there was always some elder to correct your erring ways with either a lecture or a belt and that was the way it was.  Today it seems that everyone from politicians and celebrities, to gang bangers, take more pride in their bad reputations and life styles  then in having a good name. In some communities if you haven’t been to jail, at least once, you don’t belong.
On a national level we have forgotten who we are as well and I think that it plays its part. First consider that we have allowed all the insane rules and regulations to be put in place. What happened to the idea of a government “by the people and for the people?” Instead we have allowed corrupt politicians to dictate to us what the laws are going to be and have stood aside, as sheep to the slaughter, as they have taken our rights and freedoms away under the guise of national security. Now you can be arrested for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time or for something as simple as taking a picture or dancing in the wrong place. Hitler did it the same way, under the guise of national security, as did Stalin, Mao, and Lenin, and look how many of their people wound up in prisons, gulags or were just straight out executed.
Here is my  most controversial theory, though I believe it to be true, and I will say it straight out. I think that removing religion from the public sector has been the biggest factor. I saw a picture the other day that I thought showed this well. There was a picture of a kid holding a bible at a school and the caption underneath said “Not Allowed”. The next picture is of a convict in his cell reading the bible and the caption said “Allowed.”
I humbly submit to you that by removing all things G-D from the class room and from just about all public sectors, by no longer allowing parents to discipline their children with a warmed butt, not to mention giving them an education that bears no resemblance to the real word, by more laws and regulations being passed, has become the perfect formula for future generations of more incarcerated people here in the land of the free.
The solution to this is actually quite simple. First get rid of all the overreaching and overbearing laws and regulations. Most of them serve no more purpose then to be an irritant to society or to benefit a corporation. Second elect people who are going to actually represent the people rather than special interests. Third fix our education system so that kids go back to actually learning something that will benefit them in the real world rather than all the feel good stuff that bears no resemblance to life. Fourth teach the kids the value of a good name, teach them morals and that there is right from wrong. Teach them that if you screw up you will pay for it and discipline them when they need it. Fifth, bring back G-D into the lives of our children, that alone could turn the tide, but I think it needs to be a combination of all of the above.

Disagree with me if you wish. I am sure there is some scholar out there that believes they know better, but it is my contention, that the simplest ideas and thoughts are usually right ones. We can do better in this country but we must be willing to try. It’s as simple minded as that.

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