Wednesday, June 6, 2012

5TH of the Month

Yesterday was a very eye opening day for my wife and I. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I'm not sure I would have believed it. Yet there it was, right before our eyes, as plain to see as the sun on a bright morning and yet we almost missed it. Wasn't until we asked questions  that we discovered the truth of what we were seeing. What we were seeing was the failure of the Obama administration first hand.
Yesterday was June the 5th, and it was Tuesday and ,as our custom has become,my wife and I went grocery shopping. For those of you who don't know (we didn't  either until we asked) apparently the 5th  of the month is the day that everyone receives their food stamps. I had heard statistics saying astronomical amounts of people were now on food stamps but I really didn't comprehend just how many until we walked into the store.
We didn't go into the store with any fore knowledge that it was food stamp day. In fact we thought that the reason that there were so many people in the store was either because it was tourist season up here in the mountains or because there was some major event , locally speaking, that was about to take place and people were getting ready for it. We had no idea.
There were many young couples with and without children, mothers alone with children, middle aged,elderly, some handicapped, but it was just the sheer number of people packed into that one store that absolutely shocked me. It was like a huge traffic jam in every aisle that we went down.
It wasn't until we got to the check out that we found out what was going on. We asked, rather innocently, if this was normal for this store on a Tuesday and was told no. We then asked if there was something special going on that would have brought so many people in , and again it was no, but then she added it's the day of the month. After seeing our blank looks, she leaned over and whispered, it's the day that everyone gets their food stamps.
To say that I was shocked is an understatement. We had used food stamps at one time so I am sympathetic to anyone who has to be on them, but I couldn't help but wonder how it could possibly be that so many were on them now. All I have heard, via the MSM, is how the economy is recovering under Mr. Obama and yet here, right in front of us, was a fine example of just how badly his policies have failed.
So where is the improvement in the economy then? I can't see any signs of it. Not around here anyhow.The unemployment rate is creeping up again. I have friends who's hours have been cut back and I know of others who can't find work. The price of everything has gone up dramatically and taxes are set to increase on everyone come January thus making it even worse. The only place I can think of, that the economy is improving, is in DC because many of them are spending hundreds of millions to get re elected and are having dinner parties at $40,000 a plate so obviously things are good there but it would seem that it's the only place.
Just my Simple Mind

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