Thursday, May 24, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

Memorial Day 2012, What a difference a year makes.

The conclusion of the war in Iraq is a very personal thing for me. I remember many a Marine by face and name that did not come home. Some were killed during the time I was there, others were killed after my time, and there are many who were killed ,who's names I can't remember, because I was transferred to them just before the war began, and even though I didn't have the  time to get to know them, they were ,and still are my brothers. All of them were honorable Marines who gave themselves willingly in a cause that they believed was right. Rare is the day that I don't think about these men.

Most of us came home, and we came home to a different place then the one we had left. When we left there were tears falling and flags were waving. When we came home there were protests and flags burning. We were called baby killers, and it was insinuated that we purposely targeted civilians, this from the very politicians that had allowed us to go there in the first place, and their many minions. I was a kid during Vietnam, but I remember this very same thing happening to them as they returned home. I also remember when they said it would never happen again. They lied.

If I sound bitter it's because I am. Surely we, as a whole , have been treated better then the Vietnam vets, but it seems to me that this is only true while you are still useful. Once you are no longer fit for the fight you are disregarded and discarded like old tires. Sure you can use the VA but as a whole the caring and concern seems to stop shortly after the spotlight goes off. Of course being the election year all the major contenders will give lip service to veterans but the truth is once they have the votes we will be tossed aside once again.

I am not a politician. I wasn't one then and I am not one now. I can't say that we had any business in Iraq. I never really saw them as any big threat to any one never mind us. But we had a job to do and we did it. All of us did. We heard about the protests but we were to busy trying to stay alive to focus on it. The political aspects of war were a bit lost on us once the bullets started to fly.

I am not looking for sympathy or pity. I am saying this though, most all of us who went through that hell hole lost people that we knew. We were injured mentally,physically and spiritually. We dealt with things that only other war vets could really understand. The world, as we knew it, came to an end the first time we were shot at or someone we knew was killed. It is what it is.

So as you celebrate the first official weekend of the summer, think real hard about what you might do to help a vet. Most of us aren't going to ask for help, but a good number of vets still need help regardless. Our war only started in Iraq it won't end until we truly believe we are home.

In memory of all who have died in service to our country. You are not forgotten. Semper Fi.

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