Thursday, May 10, 2012

PC And The War

I haven't spent a whole lot of time writing on the " War on Terrorism." Having spent my time in the particular hell hole of Iraq, I haven't felt that I have a right to really speak to the issue because of my participation. However after looking at some head lines this week I realised that if those of us who served don't speak up against this PC madness no one will. I will say for the record that while I thought taking out the Taliban was a great idea at the time ,I think our approach of trying to first " shock and awe" in Iraq was wasted on the wrong country and now just as wasted is this idea of being politically correct with a people who want nothing more then either our conversion or our destruction. Our government is playing a very stupid and dangerous game where literally the lives of billions are on the line.

Lets compare a bit. Go back to the beginning of "The War On Terror." In the beginning we KNEW who the enemy was, It was a bunch of crazy Islamic extremists led by a guy named Osama Bin Laden. From his mountain caves in Taliban held lands, in Afghanistan, he some how orchestrated the 9/11 attacks. We went after them hard. Blew them up in their strongholds and took prisoners of anyone we didn't kill. Flags were waving everywhere and the recruiters were swamped with people who wanted payback. We were united. We were calling evil by it's name and , even though I didn't care much for President Bush, he made it very clear that wherever they might hide we were going to find them and destroy them.

Today, in comparison, it is not PC to call it the War On Terrorism. It's "overseas contingency". Today it's not PC to call the Islamic or Muslim extremists, Muslims or Islamic, or extremists  because  that might offend the very people that fit that description, and rather then focus on those that have proven, time and time again, their willingness to kill us we instead have the DHS, FBI and  now the CIA making up homegrown terrorists so that they can focus on Americans as the enemy instead. Look at the clowns that they have paraded in front of us, trying to convince us that they are the enemy, most of them don't look like they they could spell master mind never mind being one. Even the New York Times has caught on and noticed the BS and has commented on it.

 Now we are being told that we are letting Taliban fighters go under the promise that they won't return to the fight in Afghanistan. Isn't that something akin to asking a rattle snake not to bite you as you stick your hands into it's den?? We are in their territory. Do we really think that they share some utopian ideal that will stop them from fighting again? They kill each other off with impunity and we, who are considered the great Satan, are supposed to believe that they won't try to kill us again?  They want us out of their so called sacred land, so do you really believe that they are going to hold to their word? I wouldn't hold my breath.

The Muslim leadership has made it clear  that they will settle for nothing more then a world wide caliphate with Jerusalem as their capital. Our government is wasting our time and tax dollars planning all these ridiculous plots and then"saving us" from non threats, when the real threats to western society make it very clear , all over the international media, that they are bent on world domination and our destruction. Ignoring the threat doesn't change it. Pretending that they think as we do doesn't change it. Political Correctness doesn't change it.

Either prosecute the war properly or bring everyone home, but quit with the PC, BS already.

That's Just my simple mind.

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