Thursday, May 17, 2012

Predators In The Sky

Coming very soon to a sky near you.
Look up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's a predator drone!! Just when I thought that they couldn't get more intrusive into our privacy, the FAA ( read federal government) has decided, for the good  and safety of the people , and especially the police, that they are going to allow, and fast track the requirements for, drones to be used ,by the police, over our airspace. Right now they say there are about 1,000 in use but in the next couple of years they expect that to grow to about 30,000.
 While I am all for having thugs and criminals being caught and jailed, what is going to stop them from flying over your back yard and observing anything and all things that you do? Is it really any of their business if you are having a bbq and a kegger in your back yard? If you live out and away from everyone and you want to sun bathe do you want them to be able to take pictures of you lying there wearing nothing but your sunglasses? My examples may seem a little silly but the point is we all need to have some privacy somewhere and our homes should be the most private of all. I know that some will say ; I have nothing to hide so why should I care? Why ? Because according to our Constitution you have the right to privacy. You have the right to be secure in your personal property. The police have no right to be spying  on you for any reason with out a warrant and why would you want to allow them the right to do so, even accidentally, without a court order? Even the powers that be, that are pushing for all this to happen quickly, admit that this is going to lead to privacy issues. So lets just nip that in the bud right now, before it becomes a legal constitutional battle. We already  know it violates the bill of rights so lets stop it before it starts and becomes almost impossible to be rid of.
The Irony of it all is that we were told, after 9/11,  that the terrorists hated us because of the freedoms and liberties that we have.Yet since that time the government has been in the process of curtailing those very freedoms  under the guise of keeping us safe. According to this way of thinking, apparently, we can only have freedom and liberty if the police or the government is allowed to spy on us, regulate all that we do and ignore the Constitution. That's not freedom, that is tyranny.
I guess it boils down to this for me, I'd rather have a bad guy get away once in awhile, rather then have the government, in any form, spying on me in my back yard.

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