Monday, November 5, 2012

Riots Over Election Results??

So at last we have come to it. The election begins in less than 24 hours and I would assume at this point that everyone has made up their minds as to whom they are going to vote for. Over the weekend, while reading all the interesting comments and posts that folks put out for the various candidates, I started to notice some comments that were rather disturbing to me. Apparently some people are suggesting that they will riot if President Obama is not re-elected and others are suggesting that a race war will ensue no matter the results. Bill Maher goes so far as to warn white voters, who vote for Romney, to be aware that black people know where they live.
Now maybe he was just trying to be funny, and I am certain that my opinions are of no concern to him, but that is just wrong and plainly stupid and does little more than fire up people who are already threatening to riot. Does he have the right to say what he did? Yes, and though I think he is an idiot I will defend his right to say what he will.
So what are you going to do if  Mr. Obama loses? What is going to be your reaction? Are you going to riot in the streets as some have suggested that they will? Are you going to participate in a race war because you assume that everyone who voted against him is a racist? Is this really the kind of nation that we have become?
What about those of you who are members of various faith groups; does your God tell you that it’s perfectly acceptable to riot when you don’t have your way? I know that in Christianity, Jesus tells his disciples to render unto Caesar that which is Caesars’ and to G-d what is Gods. In Judaism when the people asked Samuel for a king, God granted them their wish but warned them that this king would rule over them, in other words God appointed him to rule and that they were to obey. I am not suggesting that God would want people to sit by idly as their rulers commit treasonous or immoral acts, but we are talking riots over the results of an election, is this what your God is commanding you to do?
For those of you who don’t have any kind of belief in God, the question would be, is this the way a civilized society does things? Where does the rule of law come into this? Is our Constitutional process that has worked well for over 200 years suddenly to be tossed out of the window because you don’t like the results? More importantly, especially for those of you who would even consider such a thing, who do you think will get hurt if you do this? It won’t be me and it’s not even likely to be those bad rich people that you think are so evil, it will be the people in your own neighborhoods, who likely voted the same way that you did, that will get hurt.
Maybe this is nothing more than people venting. I don’t really know. I don’t like either candidate, and I believe that there is more going on behind the scenes than most of us realize to push all this anger and contention (think NWO,CFR,Bilderbergs  and others) but I am asking you to stop and understand ,when this is all over, no matter who wins, rioting will not change the results. People will get hurt or killed, homes and property may get destroyed, but it will not change the outcome.
Just my simple minded opinion.

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