Today, after going through a major
purge of people of my FB account, I am going to lay out a few ground
rules and tell you a bit about me so that there is no mistaking where
I stand. If ,after reading this, you wish to de-friend or unsubscribe
than please do so, with my utmost blessings and hope for a good life
for you.
This past year or so really burned me
out on the political front. My emotions were torn apart by what I
considered to be little more than the blind leading the blind and a
choice between the lesser of two evils. Worse yet was that I saw some
friendships destroyed and almost lost my own brothers friendship over
a differing of opinions. This is not what I wanted when I started
using FB.
I am a politically minded person and I
pay attention to all that is going on, but as I have stated before,
in other posts, I despise BOTH political parties, and more
importantly, I became very disgusted by what I heard coming out of
both sides. People I have known for a long time insulting each other
over politics, some of it down right crude and nasty. I managed to
get caught up in some of with some of what I posted and I didn't
like what I had become. So let me start by simplifying my political
view for you.
I am what I call a “Libertarian
Constitutionalist.” I believe in the idea of freedom, that you and
I don't need the Federal government interfering in our lives unless
we ask them to. It's none of their business who I marry, what food I
eat or what I put into my body. It is not their place to determine
how I use my land or my home as long as I am not doing anything
immoral or harming anyone. If I wish to pray in school or refuse to
pray it should be up to me as to what I do. In short if I am not
doing you any harm then the Federal government has no business nosing
its way into my life and regulating it. Freedom means freedom.
I am a Constitutionalist because I
believe strongly in the Bill Of Rights that the founding fathers
wrote. They understood, first hand, just what tyranny was, and they
wrote the Constitution the way that they did to protect us from
tyranny and to allow for us to defend ourselves from tyranny. I
believe fully in the right to free speech, even if it offends. I
believe in the right to keep and bare arms, all arms, there is no
clause hidden in there that says otherwise. I believe in freedom of
religion, all religion, or your right to not have one. I believe in
the right to be secure in your person and property against illegal
search and seizure. I also don't believe that the government has the
right to force you into purchasing things that you don't want or
causing you to violate your conscience. I mention these particular
ones because they are the ones that have been attacked the most as of
the last decade or so.
I believe that we need to remove all
our troops and close down all our bases around the world and that we
should stop sending money all over the world instead of taking care
of our own people and infrastructure. Want to balance the budget,
start with those, along with making the Federal government smaller
and removing all the regulations that are killing small businesses.
I will on occasions “like” things
that you might find offensive such as pictures from the Tattoo page
or a gun rights group. Either delete them or block them or me, but
just accept that it is a part of who I am.
I have friends that are of a diverse
background. I have friends that are black, I have some that are white
and Hispanic. I have friends that are Jews and Christians, Pagans and
Wiccans, some with no belief at all or who will mock all forms of
religion. Some things that they post I will “ like”, rather then
be troubled or offended, just block it or delete it, I can't control
what FB does with the news feed.
My religious beliefs are simply this. I
believe that there is a G-d. I believe that it is our duty as humans
to take care of each other as our conscious dictates. I do not
believe that any one religion has all the answers but I respect
everyone right to believe as they do and express their views. I would
rather focus on the things that we all agree on or on those things
that will help others rather than the man made religious dogma. In my
house we keep the Jewish Holy days, as well as celebrating Christmas,
for cultural reasons, but we don't celebrate Easter because while I
believe in G-D, I simply don't believe that a man can become god .
I am a Hobbit that would prefer peace
and quiet but if you back me into a corner I will surprise you at
just how fierce I can become.
I love my family and my friends. I love
my country , even with its flaws, and I am a supporter of Israel and
the Jewish people.
So there you have a very short
summation of my beliefs, politics and philosophy of life. You may
love it, hate it, or ignore it if you wish.
Now you have a choice. We can continue
to be friends and have good friendly debates over various issues. We
can share whats going on with our lives swapping stories and
pictures, but what I won't do is allow for my page to become a battle
ground for hatred. Opinions are OK even when I will disagree, but I
want it to be civilized and courteous, not vulgar and insulting. If
any of this you find offensive or silly, then please,as I stated
earlier, be on your way and know that I will not hold any of it
against you.
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