Thursday, February 28, 2013

Friday The End Of The World!

Well it would appear that the end of the world is quickly approaching. There are no signs that anyone in congress is going to try and stop the sequestration from happening and ,as most of you know, at least according to some, as of this Friday all hell is going to break loose. What are we going to do? Personally I am doing nothing. I don't think much is going to change or happen unless its a lot of politicians getting egg in their faces. This has been nothing but a smoke and mirror show put on by both donkeys and elephants to try and scare the crap out of everyone. Do you even know how much money is actually being cut? Try zero. Nothing. Nothing is being cut they are simply lowering their projected budget for this fiscal year by 85 billion. They are still going to spend more this year than they did last year its just that they are going to spend less than they projected that they would. Simply put instead of a projected budget of one hundred dollars (I am using a small amount that my simple mind can wrap around, and I say projected because there hasn't been a budget submitted for the last four years or more) it will now be $97.40 The total percentage being taken out is little more than 2.6% This is a mere drop in the bucket compared to what really needs to be done if we want to get our economic mess under control. This is nothing more than PROJECTED spending. So how does this spell the end of the world when its money that is little more than hypothetical?

If it had been that one trillion had to be cut this year instead of over the next 10 I would be more concerned but its not, instead it is political posturing and slight of hand wrapped up in photo ops and music to get us to dance to their tune. For most people, courtesy of the hyped up media, it has worked. We are panicking and the politicians are snickering, far away from the cameras mind you, but still they are laughing us to scorn.

Donkeys are screaming because they say that any cuts to any programs are bad and that the only solution is higher taxes and more spending while the elephants are saying no to any more taxes and want to drastically cut all social programs. The problem here isn't the sequestration, the problem is that we have children running the government who have no clue how to play nicely. There are going to have to be tax increases and cuts combined if this mess is ever going to be fixed. Historically speaking the best years of prosperity in this country was during the 40's and 50's when there were much higher taxes and a lot less spending. Go look it up, its a fact. I am not saying that we need to be unreasonable with the taxes and I am certainly not saying that you are going to fix this on the backs of the poor, but something has to be done and it has to be more drastic than this current dog and pony show. So if we are in a panic now whats going to happen when they have to get real about it?

My humble opinion is simply this, if you are being told that you are going to loose your job or receive less benefits as a result of this sequestration its for political purposes and posturing and that’s it. Both sides want to make the other look bad and if they have to make a few people miserable along the way they are OK with it as long as they score points with their core. My second thought though is that if we are having such a fit over automatic cuts, what are we going to do if and when the whole economy crashes in debt because they have done nothing? This is but a small splinter compared to what really needs to be done. Just my simple minded thoughts.

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