Thursday, March 7, 2013

Drones And No Protests ?

Drones in the American skies. Drones killing Americans without any kind of due process. Miniature drones being used by the government to get into places that the bigger ones cant. Google, Facebook and various ISP's giving up info about us to the government. Making laws that are in pure violation of the “ Bill Of Rights” by the President and his cronies on both sides of the aisle. Silence from the media and silence from the masses.

During the Bush years there were protests all over the nation as he and his administration violated our constitution and put us into 2 wars that arguably were not necessary. Under Obama the silence of the protestors and the media has been deafening, while he and his administration have continued on with the destruction of our constitution and have continued interfering in other countries internal business.

The NDAA act of 2012 made the United States a battlefield and leaves us, the American people, at the mercy of a government that thinks its acceptable to detain you or kill you without any sort of due process claiming that somehow this passes the constitutional test of law.

At one time anyone like me pointing these things out were considered to be nuts. We are the people who cling to their guns their God and the Bible and we have been ridiculed as delusional. Not so nuts anymore are we?

How can it be that a nation of people who's ancestors came from all over the world, because these types of things were happening in their home countries, can now turn a blind eye to all this. How can it be that a nation of people who's ancestors fought for the liberties that we are losing can just sit idly by as these things happen? I don't get it. Where are those who protested during the time of Bush? Where are the million people marches? Where are the real Americans hiding? The ones who wouldn't put up with this from any administration? What has happened?

I really shouldn't be surprised by any of this. Our educational system has been broken for years so many young people don't know the history of this country. They have no idea the sacrifices made for their benefit. They certainly hear about all the things that we have done wrong as a nation ,and I don't believe that the negative should be ignored ,but they should also be taught about those that were brave enough to stand up to the strongest nation at that time and the sacrifices that they made. Instead we have created a world of entertainment that focuses on the young and most are so entertained that they have no clue as to what is happening in the real world. Most don't know and those that do don't seem to care.

So what can we do to stop this? Honestly I don't know. I write blog posts and have and audience of about 20 on a good day but I continue on in the hopes that those 20 will pass it on and maybe , after awhile, enough folks will become aware of whats happening. Violence is not my thing so I can't advocate for revolution, though I think it may come to that, but unless people wake up in this country as to what is going on and make some real changes in the way we do business, the violence, in the form of a drone , may be coming straight to you. Just my Simple Minded thought.

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