Friday, April 26, 2013

The Bombings; Things that should be said and asked.

I am afraid for my country. More so, I am afraid for the American people. I think we are being fooled and are being treated as fools as to the things that are happening right in front of our eyes. Last week a terrible thing happened in Boston, two men with bombs killed three and wounded somewhere around 200. The official version of what happened is that two guys with backpacks and pressure cookers set off the explosions thus causing all the aforementioned death and suffering. Those two became the focus of a massive manhunt in Boston and the surrounding communities, that literally shut down the city and ended in the death of one and the capture of the other. We have been told that they were lone wolves, that they had no help, and were just kind of winging the whole thing based off information on the internet. We were also informed that their religious beliefs, Islam, had nothing to do with it, that they were unemployed and that the older brother, especially, was angry at his situation or that perhaps a concussion suffered while boxing was the real cause and that while the younger brother was essentially a good kid he was easily influenced by his brother.

I am not buying any of this.

Lets address the religious aspect first so that those of you who are going to be offended will be and we can then move on. If these two men had been white or members of the Tea Party or the Westboro Baptist Church it would have been all over the news and many in the government and the mainstream media would have been loving it. They were practically salivating in the hopes that it would be. Instead these two turn out, once again, to be Muslim extremists. Not all Muslims are extremists but these two certainly fit the category of angry young Muslim men who want to kill anyone who does not follow their sick ideology. This has been admitted to and is quite apparent based on what was found on their computers. The teachings of the radicals that they followed and based on what Russian intel told us. This is not fiction, this is fact. You may not like it but there it is.

Second; The lone wolf concept. If they were alone and acting on their own, then where did they get the money for the guns,not to mention the bomb making materials (remember they had more than just two as demonstrated when they were having it out with the police) or the car that they were driving? I understand that they were both unemployed and yet somehow the older one is able to fly to Russia and stay for 6 months. Where did the money come from? They would have needed money to get the permits needed in MA to own a gun never mind actually buying the guns. Or perhaps they obtained them illegally, as most criminals and terrorists tend to do, or maybe the oldest one's wife had something to do with providing them with the money. Perhaps it could have been a, dare I say it, an Islamic terrorist organization? Or a another FBI set up that this time went terribly wrong? As long as the official story of “lone wolves” stays in place we may never know.

Third; While it can be argued that the bomb material is easy enough to obtain and you can find directions on line as to how to build a bomb you still need to know how to properly deploy these weapons in a way that will cause the most damage and still allow you to walk away, not to mention being able to time everything just right so that nothing is detected by the bomb sniffing dogs. That takes a bit of time, practice and surveillance. There simply had to be some training involved to be able to do this successfully. I know that when I went through boot camp back in the dark ages you were taught how to handle weapons, including various explosives, but they wouldn't let you handle anything until they were satisfied that you understood all the components, how they worked, how to properly deploy them, and make them work without killing yourself. So I am supposed to believe that these guys were so smart that they were successfully able to pull this off with out any kind of outside help?

Fourth; Why was the older brother tagged by DHS and or the FBI a few years ago and yet left alone, even after the Russians warned them about him and the radical Islamist that he had been with? From what I understand they had reason then to deport him yet they let him stay.

Fifth; Why was so much force needed to capture one man, a so called lone wolf? I have seen video clips taken from houses in the search areas where the police stormed into houses and took people out at gun point screaming at them to keep their hands up like they were the ones who had done something. I understand that it is dangerous work but if you knew who you were looking for and that he was a lone wolf, as has been portrayed by the media/government, then why are you violating the rights of those who had nothing to do with it? Could it be that the government knew something more than they will admit and that perhaps these guys had some help?

Sixth; If this attack caught everyone by surprise, as we have been led to believe, why were there warnings of a bomb drill? Why were there so many men dressed identically, khakis and boots along with black jackets, carrying backpacks the same color as at least one of the ones used? Who were these people? The official response is either denial of government people being there (Just ignore the shiny black SUV's and the ear pieces) or it's been shoved into silence mode.

There are more questions that could be asked but I will stop with these.

I said earlier I don't buy the official story.

The irony here is that not too long ago Mr. Obama said military style weapons had no place on the streets of America and yet Boston had so much on its streets that it looked just like a war zone. You don't need a small army to capture one man. You had both of their pictures all over the internet; where do you think that they could go and not be found in these days, where damn near everything has a camera on it? Or is it more that they wanted to make sure that he was caught or killed as well so that he couldn't talk?

Sadly some of you are going to be offended by this piece because you reflect the current administrations view on Islamic terrorist, that they don't really exist, even as your streets are being bombed and people are being killed and maimed, even as your houses are being forcibly entered and you are being searched at gunpoint you won't believe the truth. Our enemies are here and they are likely better organized than we have been told. The government won't acknowledge it but I think I know, at least in part, why. Fear is a powerful motivator and they have been using it against us, especially since 911. Bit by bit they have used various situations to encroach on our liberties so I am guessing that this is going to cause more, or at least an excuse to attempt more.

Just My Simple Minded opinion.

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