Thursday, April 18, 2013

We Are Patriots

This week, once again, our world was rocked by cowardly, despicable, semi human, monsters who killed and maimed innocent people with two bombs at the Boston Marathon. I had originally planned on writing about how much this reminded me of September 11 and all the emotions and feelings it brought up, having experienced that and war in Iraq. Instead I am going to write about my anger. Not anger at those worthless bastards who did this, whoever they may be, but my anger at the media who immediately jumped to conclusions or, at the very least, insinuated that they had a pretty good idea of who might do it and why.
The words I heard used over and over were “right wing extremists” with ABC and MSNBC being the worst, at least of the ones that I heard, but, you might ask ,why that would bother me so much? You have no party affiliation. Its because at least two of them tried to tie “patriots” in with “right wing extremists” and at least one, Jessica Stern on MSNBC said and I quote “far right Neo Nazi patriot movement”.The other being Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center, while being interviewed by ABC, suggesting that it was those of the so called “patriot movement” being responsible and that while Patriots day isn't until the 19th they acted sooner because Boston celebrated it on the 15th. Then there were those , particularly CNN, that suggested that it was the work of “white tea party members.”
What the hell is the matter with you people in the news media? You want this to be some sort of home grown terrorism? Do you really love your political agenda so much that you would be happy at the mere thought that it might be someone affiliated with a group you don't like? You people are sick and the entire lot of you should be fired for sheer ignorance and stupidity and hatred for your own nation. Let me give you a real idea of just who patriots are.
I am a patriot. My father was a Cuban refugee who escaped communism. My mother of the peoples of Ireland and Scotland that has been here for generations. I was born here and I served my country in both peace time and war.
We are patriots. We are people who believe in the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights. We are people who fight against you being taxed and regulated to death and being man handled by a federal government that has clearly over stepped its bounds. We are people who believe that life liberty and the pursuit of happiness applies to all people no matter their color ,race , religion, sexual orientation or creed. We do our fighting with the power of the internet and the vote. We are not people who use bombs as a means to get any of our views across, that is what terrorists and governments do. We are instead people who will write and call our representatives and peaceably protest against those policies and laws we disagree with. We are Redsox and Yankee fans who unite under one flag though we are sports rivals. We are Bruins fans who sing the National Anthem at the top of their lungs 2 days after the attack. We are the men and women who raised the flag at the twin towers and those who rescued the dead and the injured. This is not about political differences, we are a nation of people who all believe differently on a great number of issues but when you boil it all down we are all Americans and most , if not all, are patriots. To suggest that someone who believes differently than your political ideology is somehow a terrorist is disgusting and childish.
Am I saying that there is no way that it couldn't be some Neo Nazi group or far right or left nut jobs?No. The past shows us that there are crazies on all sides of the spectrum. What I am saying is don't put those of us who consider our selves to be patriots in the same sort of category as cowardly terrorists or Nazi's because in doing so you have just demeaned 330 million Americans and it doesn't pay to piss off Americans.
Just my simple minded opinion.

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