Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Attacking Syria? Why?

So apparently I have been asleep at the switch for the last couple of years. Imagine my surprise when I finally found out just how dangerous Syria is to the US. I could never have imagined how a country so far away from us could be such a threat to our national sovereignty. I'm guessing that they are massing off the east coast, getting ready to invade? No? Then why are we bothering to get involved in their civil war? Why are we siding with Al-Qaida? I thought they were the bad guys. Oh ,I get it ,they are only the bad guys when it's convenient!

By the way, a thought kind of occurred to me, where is the actual proof of chemical attack by the Assad regime? Yes, we have pictures of bodies, but we don't know who did it. We have rebels ,who are trying to overthrow him, make the claim that he has done this but no actual proof that he is the one responsible. Now I understand that they have a panicked cell phone call from a commander demanding to know who did the attacking but still we have nothing but assumptions. It might have been the rebels trying to force our hand. It may be nothing more than a big set up. I am not saying that the man is some sort of saint but it seems to me that if you are going to risk starting WW3 you ought to have a bit more then he said, she said, going on.

It also seems to me that we are being just a bit on the arrogant side as well. Our leaders seem to be under some delusion that if we strike them that they, and their allies, won't strike back at us and our allies. Syria along with Iran, Iraq and I believe Lebanon, have already stated that they will attack Israel if we strike Syria. Russia and China, who are staunch supporters of the Syrian government are warning of dire consequences if we do this. I am not suggesting that we back down from any one but I am saying we don't need to get involved in another war there or anywhere else for that matter and this may get very ugly and out of control very quickly.

It's amazing to me that an administration that was so hard on Bush and his administrations lack of real proof on chemical weapons in Iraq is so eager to jump all over this. Saddam Hussein had used chemical weapons on his own people and the Iranians during their long war and the proof was out there but we did nothing about it until he threatened the middle east oil supply. What makes this attack so much different? Is it because Assad isn't an ally?

It's also amazing to me just how quiet the American public is. I remember hundreds of thousands of protesters marching and protesting in the US and around the world. I remember seeing pictures of Bush and Cheney with Hitler mustaches and slogans that went something to the effect, they lie and people die. Where are the protesters? Where is code pink? We have the potential of entering into one of the nastiest wars since Vietnam and I hear nothing but crickets.

Well ,I have spoken my piece ,and while I am saddened by the deaths of the Syrian people, I have an extreme hatred of war, I don't think it's our place to police the entire world and I believe that this one has the possibility of biting us back.

Peace Out.


  1. I agree wholeheartedly! Why do we keep using a double standard? Confusion seems to reign in our leadership today. Thanks for keeping it plain and simple.

  2. I'm so glad to be out... I couldn't imagine getting roped into another world conquest.
